I know you can return to normal activities post-op but what about scuba diving?

I'm a certified scuba diver who's waiting for insurance approval for the surgery. This may be a silly question but I'm going to ask anyway.....has anyone been diving since having the surgery? I was wondering if the water pressure would have any affect on the RNY. I've heard that you can return to all normal activites. (P.S. This website is a God-send!!!! Thanks to everyone!)    — S J. (posted on June 16, 1999)

June 16, 1999
I'm not a doctor, but, I would think as soon as your doctor feels you're healed sufficiently, that you're good to go on the diving. God, I'd just like to learn how to SWIM :) I've always wanted to dive too, but, I have this MAJOR fear of swimming for some unbenounced reason, and I grew up in South FL which is even more funny! Practically lived at the beach! Good Luck!!! :)
   — Sherrie G.

June 16, 1999
It doesnt sound weird at all! I had the same fear...we just returned from our first dive trip we have taken since my surgery!!!! everything was great! I didn't dive deeper than 50 feet the first 2 dives..just in case...I would have DIED if I wasn't able to dive <only a diver can understand that!! LOL>
   — Deanna D.

June 16, 1999
Your question is interesting.....after the recovery from surgery, ~ 2 weeks, you should have lost the extra gas in your abdominal cavity and returned to a state that scuba would work...This answer is also for patients in general but you should consult your surgeon. In addition, your incision should be fine after two weeks.
   — Chris S.

August 5, 1999
I'm posting this long after you asked. Nevertheless here goes. I'm a scuba dive master and assistant instructor. The tissue as it is healing may absorb nitrogen and "gas off" (release nitrogen) at a different rate than other tissue in the body. THerefore you would want to wait (we used to tell people 6 weeks minimum) before diving and keep your bottom time on the conservative side of the dive tables. I'll be diving again soon...good divers are always careful. Jane S
   — JaneSpencer

April 13, 2003
I too had the same worries, my doctor told me that I should be good to go into the water 6 weeks from surgery date, and you can be assured im counting the days to the exact. I cant wait to get back in the water. And maybe not have to wear so much weight to get down, what a plus....
   — Sue C.

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