Has anyone had much experience letting others know about wls

How do you go about letting some you know learn about WLS without offending them. I found out about this from a doctor and my own research I am not sure how I would have taken it from somebody else. I know some people who could benefit from WLS if they chose to. It is a tough subject just to pull out of thin air Anyone have any ideas.    — Jeff J. (posted on June 2, 1999)

June 2, 1999
Hi James' Welcome to the world of weight loss surg ery. Telling relatives will be real easy when you are totally convinced this is what you have to do. I took my oldest daughter with me to see a seminar on weihgt loss surgery. When the info comes from a professional it is easier to convince relatives. See if there are any seminars in driving distance it could help them to understand and they could get their Questions answered while there. Good Luck Keep in touch Carol Taylor
   — Carol T.

June 2, 1999
LOL! Yes, we've all been through this! It is really hard at first, but the people who love you will be there for you. Do your research and show them that you know what you're talking about! If they do try to stop you from having the surgery, it is only because they love you, and once you've shown them that you are serious and have educated yourself, they will back you. You will find that once you've had the surgery and feel really confident in your decision, you won't hesitate to tell anyone! I told everyone I was close to personally, my entire family (extended) and all of my friends. However, I chose to keep it secret from my collegues. I don't want my decision to affect my career in any way, except for the positive effects I will get from just being healthier of course! Good luck!
   — PollyAnna F.

June 2, 1999
The best bet it to let them ask you what you did to loose weitht then you can talk about the surgery. I think it would be poorly recieved if you suggest to them that they need it.
   — Anna D.

June 3, 1999
The only thing I can answer to your question is when I found out from other people it was just listening how they have lost so much weight and how great they were feeling. I took it upon myself to ask and inquire about how to get it done. They have been my main support which was great. Maybe that's how you could, providing they are curious, I am so thank goodness because this was the best thing I have ever done for myself in my life. I really can't tell you how anyone would react because sometimes no matter how tactful you try to be when we don't feel good about ourselves, we take everything wrong. Good Luck!!
   — Rhonda B.

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