I had a lower body lift with an anchor incision for the tummy tuck

last July. I loved it until recently, and I feel like my stomach is really sticking out alot. It feels like the scars are being pulled so much they might burst open. I haven't gained any weight. Has anyone had this problem? Thanks for your help. JoAnn    — JoAnn A. (posted on July 1, 2005)

July 1, 2005
Check with your doctor. You may have a hernia.
   — shoutjoy

July 2, 2005
Check with your Dr. I had TT in March and by that xmas I felt like I was being pulled in tighter, Then realized I wasn't walking as strait as I should have been, They found I had scared tissue to the point I could not stand up straigt. Don't put off call for a check up. Good luck.
   — dee145

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