How long does it take to regulate hyperthyroidism ?

Help!! I was scheduled to have my WLS on Monday morning but my bloodwork came back yesterday showing my levels at a 12! I don't understand! I will see my PCP on Monday so he can diagnose me and give me medicine to regulate it, but does anyone know how long it takes to bring your levels to "normal" so they can finally do the surgery? I am so upset about this. Thanks, Dawn    — sugapuss71 (posted on April 15, 2005)

April 15, 2005
your looking at 3-6 weeks....mine was a 13 and it needed to be a 5, i take meds for it for 10 years and it went up somehow and it takes 2-3 weeks if you already are on synthyroid but if not it could take a month or so...the body thyroid levels change very slowly and respond slowly to meds...their is no way to speed the process...believe me i tried..sorry if it backs your date up for surgery.
   — tom tyler

April 16, 2005
If your levels are high, it's hypothyroidism, and it's important to get that taken care of before surgery. Hypothyroidism can interfere with losing weight.
   — nursekuba

April 16, 2005
Do not expect to be put on a med for your thyroid problem and then have your surgery, it takes time to regulate it for most people. I was diagnosed with Graves disease (HYPERthroid) back in late January and had my PS canceled until my hormone levels started going back to the range that the doctor was comfortable with, I had to have my thyroid medically killed off with radioactive iodine. I have clearance to have surgery anytime after June. The thyroid is a tricky thing and it can be very serious if you go under for surgery with it being untreated and very dangerous. Most people are HYPOthyroid and not HYPERthyroid, it is rare to be HYPER and with the level that you mentioned, I believe that you are HYPO. Your number would have been .004 or something like that if you are HYPER, not 12 like you said. Be happy that they found the problem in your blood work now and not while you were under having surgery because those drugs can cause havoc during and after the surgery. For a person with untreated hyperactive thyroid and them having surgery can cause a stroke or a heart attack, so see it is dangerous for a person. Be happy that the doctor found this and it is being treated first, not during or after your WLS, which could cause a whole new set of problems for you during your recovery. I looked at my finding out and having my PS canceled as a blessing because I could have died during or after the surgery, not fun to think of. Ask your doctor for a copy of your blood work, you are entitled to it, then look at the ranges that the lab put down and do some of your own research on the internet.
   — ChristineB

April 18, 2005 were all correct! I was so upset when I posted my question. I misunderstood the nurse that morning. It is HYPOthyroidism. I saw my PCP this mornign and he still couldn't understand why they'd postponed my surgery. He said he's seen levels at 40 & 50. My 12.9 wasn't that severe. I still trust in my surgeon and will follow is orders. I was prescribed some mild hormones and I'll have bloodwork done in 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll be at a healthy number and I can reschedule....ASAP! I cried all weekend! Thanks for your imput and advice!
   — sugapuss71

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