I had this done one week ago , is it normal to gain wt. after this is done?

I had this done one week ago, and it is very strange to now be able to eat many times throughout the day ( small things) but I feel like I have had nothing for 5 weeks and now am eating what seems to be a ton of food. I am craving all kinds of things and am surprized as to what I can acually eat. eg: bacon,eggs..... is this normal, I have also gained 3lbs and think this is not a good trend..... HELP!    — Debra K. (posted on April 15, 2005)

April 15, 2005
Hi - I'm confused by your post and I checked your profile but it is blank. Did you have surgery one week ago or five weeks ago? At one week, gaining 3 pounds could be due to swelling from the recent surgery, but eating bacon and eggs this soon out could be dangerous.
   — Yolanda J.

April 15, 2005
I am surprised also. After surgery, for the next 2 weeks, I could only eat soft foods like jello, pudding, soup, etc. I am surprised that they are allowing you to eat bacon. the first week, I gained due to having IV's and had fluid build-up. Put after that, I started to lose it. Better check with your doctor about what to eat this early.
   — Sharon Wolf

April 16, 2005
I had surgery 6 days ago. It is normal to gain some water weight from all the fluids in the hospital but you usually lose that in the first week after. My doctor has me on clear liquids for the first 2 weeks. Then, only soft, mushy foods for awhile. I would be a little leary of bacon & eggs just yet. Don't give up and make sure you're drinking all of your water. You'll see a loss soon!
   — skinnytz

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