I do not have any pain anywhere but under my left breast and it won't go away
it hurts everytime i move or cough and laught or even bend what can I do for it — ritamytweety (posted on April 12, 2005)
April 12, 2005
Hi Rita--welcome to the losing side. You are such a new post-op that I
would guess that your pain is caused by plain ole gas. They blow you up
with carbon dioxide, and it takes a few days for the gas bubbles to
dissipate. Just keep walking slowly, the bubbles will go away.
— Cisbell
April 12, 2005
I would check with your doctor if it continues to bother you and/or you
feel like your heart or lungs are involved(especially if you are having any
shortness of breathe)...
I don't know what/if you are able to take for pain killers, but you might
want to try some aspirin, tylenol, or ibuprofen.
Also, you might want to try an ace bandage around your torso under the
breasts... not tightly, but just to see if some extra support for your
chest muscles will help.
And then there is always the trusty ice and heat. Try wrapping a bag of
peas or corn in a towel and put it in the area. I think I remember being
told that 20 minutes on 20 minutes off after an inital injury and then 20
minutes every two hours if needed. You can also alternate hot and cold.
As far as heat, you can try a heating pad (but be careful if you use it in
bed, i burnt myself by falling asleep once) in the area, a hot water bottle
(i prefer this because i can go to sleep with it), or a towel in hot water
with most of the water wrung out.
Hope this is helpful. But if you're concerned, at least call your doctor
to let him/her know.
Best wish,
— mrsidknee
April 13, 2005
As another poster said, it's probably gas. The best thing for that is to
walk, walk, walk. Check with your surgeon's office about painkillers.
Remember, we're not supposed to take asprin, but Tylenol is usually ok.
— LisaHillsinger
April 13, 2005
I even went to ER with this pain hon. So I know what you are going through.
Mine was gas. Imagine my embarresment. But they were nice and said it was
start of stomach virus on the paper. lol
— **Beck S.
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