What causes Port Tuned upside down for bander? what is the solution?

i Got my sugery in oct 04 i have not lost any weight and unable to get a fill b/c of this problem with my port. Has anyone had this happen?    — Crystal L. (posted on January 14, 2005)

January 14, 2005
You really need to let your surgeon know perhaps you need a revision. Maybe eating heaver foods would also give you the feeling of fullness, such as eating only meats. You may be one of those people who can eat steak. Make sure you are not drinking while eating and flushing the food right through your pouch. If you aren't then call your surgeon, get some tests done to determine the size of your port and if needed, have your sugeon fix the problem. It will be a much less invasive procedure because it will be the only thing he will need to do. GOOD LUCK!
   — pammatria

January 14, 2005
Hi , I dont understand the sort of surgury you had.. But it has been 3 months,, and u most definetly should of lost some weight.. I am guessing around 30 pounds. SOunds like you need to see your Dr, and find out what went wrong, then get it repaired.. immediately... Good Luck
   — windawo

January 14, 2005
crystal the band simply doesn't work if it is not properly adjusted--its not surprising that you haven't lost weight--unfilled its like its not even there!:) get ahold of your surgeon asap....sometimes if the port is tilted or flipped, the doc can manually fix it without surgery, sometimes not. i have heard of docs using two needles to flip it over....if that's the case, get a local first!:) good luck, this isn't major, just be patient, soon you will be on your way!
   — jessicamegan

December 9, 2008
I had my surgery in May of 07 and my port has flipped also. What did you end up doing?
   — cbientz

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