2.5 years post op and havingsevere back and abdominal pain

I am 2.5 years post op. About a year ago I started having really bad episodes of sharp lower abdominal pain that reached back to my spine. At first I thought it was food poisoning it lasted about 3 hours. Then 4 months later same thing... then 3 months later same thing. Pain was so bad I ended up in the ER on christmas and they gave me vicoden to dull the pain, but all the other tests were normal. Since then I have been back for every kind of test... its not kidney stones.. not my gaulbladder....Ultra sounds, CAT scans and blood test say I am normal. I am getting very scared because the pain is getting more frequent, lasting longer, and the meds aren't taking the pain away like they used to. My lates trip to the ER was because of the same pain, this time with nausea, and dizzy spells. At this point when I go in they just hook me up with morphine. Has anyone gone through this?? Help...    — Marleen M. (posted on January 13, 2005)

January 14, 2005
Did they mention anything about adheasions? These are common after abdominal surgery, and I think they do lap exploratory surgery to see the adheasions. Could it be endometreosis? I would call and ask to see if they think this is possable, its worth a shot. Good luck I hope you find the problem soon. Rosemary
   — wizz40

January 14, 2005
Of course we are not qualified to say, but I'm sure you are not expecting us to know only give you possible ideals while you pursue this with your doctors. I too have had alot of abdominial pain. Boy do I understand some of your frustration. I had an Open RNY on 5-8-01. I wanted the gallbladder out then but he said the insurance would'nt pay for it. So 10 months later, it had to come out. Actually I had WORSE pains since the gallbladder removal. One of the pains occured over one summer. If I remember right my right side back hurt like heck. There were blood tests and Xrays. LOL! The lady doctor was trying to be so dignified.... <smile>. I said, "Do you mean to tell me I'm full of Sh##!" I love the look on her face and the laughing. It was almost worth the pain. In this case, I had empaced feces up inside me. Evidently I was pooping, but not enough. Once that was solved, no more back pains. Then I've had some (on the scale of 1-10)10 pains that almost always start as soon as I lay down at night. I've been to the ER many times. They slap an IV in, and shove me in the room for 2-4 hours. By then the pain is gone. So I don't go anymore. Those pains last from 3-4 hours. Everytime, EXCEPT ONCE, Nexium will stop these attacks. I went to several doctors, one thinks it is Esophical Spasms because they happen when I lay down. I live in fear of these attacks. But since around Thanksgving I've had a totally different kind of abdominal pain. These feel as if someone has their fist in my gut, grabbing and twisting my insides while a knife is also cutting away. I've had alot of nausia, much pain and even smells of food bother me as it would an early post op. I have lot 13 pounds in a month. Gained half back. Lost it again and half of it back again. I'm thinking Ulcer, but have'nt found out for sure yet. Next Friday I get a cat scan. (I wonder which of my nineteen cats I can send in my place- smile). Anyway, these abdomial pains we suffer could be almost any number of things. Keep searching. Best of luck.
   — Danmark

January 31, 2005
I'm 4 yrs post op now and this has happened on occassion. I think your empacted and also you have gas that cant be expelled due to the empaction. If you will eat oatmeal and whole grains you wont have this problem. Do not eat anything after your evening meal. If this doesnt solve it, when the pain happens, try drinking ice water and belching. It that works, then its trapped gas and try taking gas x.
   — regina E.

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