tummy tuck swelling

Hi I had a tummy tuck Nov 17th with over 10 pounds removed and some lipo to the hips area. I had my gastric bypass 2 years ago and lost 115 pounds. I had 2 drains in my groin area one removed at 3 weeks and the other at 5 weeks (I was draining allot) After removal I noticed below my belly button and groin area is slightly "puffy" I saw the doctor today and he said he didnt think it was a any amount of fluid to worry about and could be my skin relaxing some. Also how long did you wear your binder or/and girdle panties.....I feel like a sausage! Thanks in advance for any words of wisedom.    — Kimberly L. (posted on December 28, 2004)

December 28, 2004
had my tt end of sept- only now is the groin area looking 'normal'- had a lot of puffiness- wore the binder for 6 weeks and am now very happy with the results- don't worry- it just takes a while- 6/2/03 236/125
   — Jannie N.

December 28, 2004
I had my tt in August with 8 lbs removed. I wore the binder for 3 months and then a girdle during the day for one month. I started going binder and girdle free the beginning of December, but I do have times were I suddenly swell up and then it's back in the binder for a day. My PS said that the swelling can keep occuring for 6 months to a year for the final results. I would just keep an eye on those puffy spots. It is amazing how uncomfortable a little swelling makes me now.
   — ckreh

December 28, 2004
My pubic area is still puffy almost 4 months post LBL and my doctor has told me this is how it is going to be. apparently I have a pocket of fat there. I will likely get it liposuctioned and tightened when I get my thighs done. Or on the other hand maybe I am making too big a deal of it and should just ignore it. haven't decided for sure yet. I had to wear the binder for 6 weeks.
   — **willow**

December 28, 2004
I wore a panty girdle for about 3 months. I had 3 seromas drained in the first month post-op and my doctor told me to eliminate this, it would help to continue wearing the tight panty girdle. When you press on the area, is the fluid moving like a wave? If so, it sounds like a seroma. The fact that you had your drains in for so long would make me think that you would be at a high risk for excess fluid build-up.
   — Patty H.

December 29, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty on 8/16. I wore panty girdles during the day and binders at night for 3 months. The Dr. would have liked it to be more if I would have done it, but I think I was stable by that point. I still have puffiness in the pubic area that I think needs to be addressed with lipo. My skin above my incision has "relaxed" a bit, too. I am not planning to do more surgery to deal with that, but boy, I'd love to lipo the pubic area. Only I seem to be bothered by it. My husband thinks I'm seeing things.
   — Fixnmyself

December 31, 2004
I had my tummy tuck on November 30. At first, my abdomen looked and felt flat. The suction drain was removed one week post op. Within a few days, I had alot of swelling just above my pubic bone. I couldn't even wear my jeans! The surgeon tapped and drained it, and got out a lot of fluid (over 80 cc). He seemed to think that would do it, but two days later the swelling was back, just as big. I was wearing my binder and tight panty girdles. At that point, he put in a small rubber drain in the incision line, and I have had to wear sanitary napkins to absorb the drainage. I am 5 weeks post op, and the area is still draining, although not as much. My family doctor, a female who is very familiar with plastic surgery, told me to use a heating pad at a medium setting and to massage and gently express the fluid out. This has helped a lot. My fear was that this might be permanent, but the doctor said that as long as the drain was in, my body would not form scar tissuee there. The key is not to remove the drain until there is no more drainage at all. Also, push fluids, especially those that have electrolytes like Propel, and eat extra protein since both are lost in the fluid.
   — JoAnne W.

January 5, 2005
It's not ususual to swell for up to a year! But it gets better by the third month usually. Lymphatic massage, a good girdle, avoiding prolonged sitting, and watching the salt intake all may help.
   — DrL

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