I can now 5 years post-op eat normal meals and I have gained a lot of weight .

I am scared to death. If I could diet I would never have weighted 415 pounds. I lost down to 189 pounds and now I am back to 270 pounds . Is there a revision that I can have done? And how hard is it to have the revision of the stomach checked? Please help. A failure! Thanks Brenda    — brenda K. (posted on October 20, 2004)

October 19, 2004
Yes there are revisions. First step is to contact your doctor and have him check you out to see if you have any mechaical failure of the first surgery... i.e upper gi and scope. Alot of RNY convert to DS
   — star .

October 19, 2004
It may not even need to be a revision to another type of surgery, although that is an option. Were you transected? If not, you could just have a staple line disruption and if that is the case, the surgeon can go in, transect the pouch and you should start having restriction again and lose the weight. You need to contact your dr. and have him order an upper GI and endoscope as the first step.
   — Ali M

October 19, 2004
My staple line disrupted at 5 yrs out. In my case, I had pain from acid before I had regain, but most feel nothing. Please check with others who have had mechanical failures to get through this difficult period. This list is 1+ yrs post-op people, many 5+ yrs now.
   — vitalady

October 20, 2004
I would check for surgery failure w/ your doc. But if you don't nip why you are gaining in the bud, no revision can fix that. Eventually the body adapts.
   — mrsmyranow

October 20, 2004
I agree with the poster that said if you don't nip the problem in the bud, then you will most likely do it all over again after a revision. Most surgeons will realize this and have you go through nutritional and psycological therapy to help you realize and get a grip on why you are having this problem. Believe me, most of us overeat for emotional reasons (I will always fight it) and in my opinion (take it for what it's worth) you really should work on figuring it all out. Then when you do get your revision or conversion, which ever you decide to do, you will totally be set for success! I wish you the very best!
   — issymudd

October 20, 2004
EXLCUDE a mechanical failure first... <br><br> If you got all the way down to 189, it is safe to say you don't need to eat a "normal meal." <br> So- stop doing that! I know it sounds simple, but you should go back to the basics - replicate the methods you used to earn your earlier success. <br><br> Yes, you CAN eat like a normal person, but why would you?<br> Good luck to you.
   — kultgirl

October 21, 2004
Sounds like somthing is wrong, what are the doctors saying what procedure did you have. I have heard of things growing back together vicky
   — Vickyhome777

October 22, 2004
Hi I am 2 years out and I have gained 15 pounds. I am really scared and know that if this keeps up in five years I will be exactly where you are at. Yes I can eat almost anything but I still do eat smaller portions. My provlem is high caloric junk and I am really trying to watch that. Also I have increased by three time my exercise. I didn't realize that after two years of exercising for an hour a day my body had become accustomed to the routine and I could still gain weight. I have not made my workout much longer but I actually jog sometimes instead of just walking and I've increased the wieght and repitions on my weights. I do find it easier to diet now thank God but it is easier to gain the weight than lose it. Thank you for addressing this problem. If you would like to coorospond email me. [email protected] Cherol
   — Cherol F.

November 1, 2004
Hi! Are you reading my mail? LOL! The person you just described is me! I had RNY 3-12-01 and lost from 380 to 180. I was feeling great, losing weight, enjoying my life. I started gaining a little weight when I was 2 years post-op and have been gaining and gaining ever since. I am now 266 and was beginning to feel like a total failure. Only I could screw up WLS. I went to a new doctor last week and found out that my stoma is so large that no food is staying in my pouch. I am able to eat full meals. He told me I was on my way to weighing 380 again if I didn't do something. I am waiting to have a revision. PLEASE see someone! Make them do an upper GI. My last doctor gave me the run around, so I found a new one. Good luck. I will be thinking about you Shelly
   — S.A. C.

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