Want to know if I could be a canidate for WLS with risk factors

I'm 28 weigh 210 pounds and my bmi is 37. As far as I Know I dont hasve any of the lised co-morbits. Just chronic fatigue, joint pain, elevated heart rate and shortness of breath which I'm aware is all part of being overweight. I've tried every diet known to man it seems weight watchers,curves, trim spa ( well if its a pill I know I've tried it ) And some I have succeed to loss 20 or 30 pounds but always gain it back with an extra 10 or 15 more. I know I'm a walking time bomb with my family history. Both of my parents had diabetes, high blood pressure, and had bypass surgery for heart conditions. This doesn't count the other family members with cancer and other problems. Has anyone had surgery on risk factors?? Any suggestions??    — Bree H. (posted on August 1, 2004)

August 1, 2004
Hey Brenda! You will be able to have the surgery. I had the same questions. My BMI is 39.4. I know a few people from this site that have had wls while being under 40BMI with no seerious health considitions. You simply have to find the right surgeon that will take you. ALso, try getting a sleep apnea test. Its considered a health risk because you stop beathing during your sleep. Lots of overweight people suffer from it as well as people of normal weight. Also, try to gain a little bit of weight. You would probably only need about 10 or 15 pounds to be 40 BMI. YOU dont have to eat like a pig you could just start lifting weight to change some of your fat to muscle. Email me if you like.
   — Natalie B.

August 1, 2004
Check with your insurance company. Find out what their requiorments are. Go from there. Sometimes, it is easier to gain a few pounds to qualify than it is to lose a huge amont of weight. Some insurance companies requier a past hystory of doctor supervised weight loss attempts. If you have tasken any perscription weight loss drugs these count. Remember WLS is a total change in lifestyle and not just a quick fix. Surgery is only a tool and will fail if you do not do your part. Good luck: Jane
   — bygosch

August 1, 2004
Brenda, You almost have the same profile as I did. I weighed 212 @ 5'3" BMI 37.5 I was approved by my insurance without a problem. But I did have a few co-mobids, Hypertension, high cholestral and acid reflux. So, it depends upon your insurance company if they approve you or not. Good luck to you, let us know if either way of your progress.
   — mypookface

August 2, 2004
Brenda, I was just approved per my insurance today with no co-morbids. Just a big family history of all sorts of problems. My father and mother both have diabetes,high blood pressure,heart problems and all kinds of orher conditions.My BMI is 38.2.It just depends on your insurance company. Do your research and stay ontop of things. Good luck to you. Jen:)
   — imgabbie

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