What were you instructed to do to minimize swelling post op?

I am scheduled for an abdominoplasty on 8/2/04. Not that I am terribly vain, but my 30th high school reunion is Labor Day weekend. I doubt that I will "wow" any of my former classmates, but I hope to look "pretty good". What percentage of the swelling will be gone after a month? Did you do anything that you think really helped reduce the swelling (i.e., exercise, massage, etc.)? (My main goal is to be rid of my constant back pain, so I am REALLY looking forward to some relief from that!)    — koogy (posted on July 9, 2004)

July 9, 2004
Wear your binder. Swelling got more pronounced as the day went on, so keep off your feet that day. Exercise made my swelling worse.
   — mom2jtx3

July 9, 2004
I am 2 months post op and the binder really does help. I am still swollen but everyone tells me that I am not. But I can tell the difference and can't wait until it is gone.
   — classydame1

July 9, 2004
Not only did i wear a corsett i wore a long line panty girdle to above my knee. the doctor wants that long line with no pockets for fluid to accumulate. i wore this 24/7 except to shower.this well help with the swelling and allow the muscle to remain tight to the new skin with out the fluid acculmation. All the Best!Tracey
   — traceybubbles

July 9, 2004
I wore a binder for the 1st week, then a long waisted girdle for 6 weeks per instructions from my PS. I'm 10 weeks post op from a full TT (hip to hip). I had very little swelling post op. In fact I left from the out patient center wearing my 4's I went in with. I wore them daily, even with bandages. My PS was amazed with my healing and little amount of swelling. I have been flat as a board from day one. Two weeks later I had to wear size 2's. I only had 2 pounds removed with the TT, but it made a huge difference. Try drinking fresh squezzed lemon juice in a cup of hot water for swelling. Elevate legs with pillows. I slept like this for 6 weeks. Your body will let you know that it needs rest. Listen and Obey! lol Good Luck,
   — Hazel S.

July 11, 2004
There is an excellent site dedicated to TT, Panni, and Abmsty. makemeheal,com I am 5 days PO super swollen I hear from these amny ladies you can swell 6 months-1year. Everyone is differnt. I for one look 5 months pregnat and can only fit into elastic waisted stuff. Good Luck
   — Cindee A.

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