Is there a support group in the Wichita, KS area.

I am having open RNY in Junction City, KS but need to go to support group in the Wichita area as that is where I live. Does anybody know of any? Where, when, etc.    — Jodi V. (posted on July 8, 2004)

July 8, 2004
Aloha! Initially when I was in the sheer-hell-waiting phase of my journey (waited 3 years after insurance approved!), I found a wonderful surgeon in Wichita Falls, TX who I actually was going to have do my surgery. His name is Dr. Warnock. He has a fabulous group of people that run both an online support group on Yahoo and also I believe they all get together from time to time (if not more regularly). This was a warm bunch of people too! I ended up having surgery here in Hawaii but I kept in touch with several of his patients during the past couple of years. One lady I remember distinctly is Patti. I hope she responds to this message! She is an absolute doll. If you go to the FIND A DOC link and search under TX, you will find Dr. Warnock's information. His Coordinator's name is Kathy (if it is still the same lady). She was wonderful. Hope this helps!! Good luck!! Hugs, Kathie in Hawaii.. Open RNY 08/07/02.. Down 193 Pounds.
   — KathieInHawaii

July 9, 2004
Hi, There use to be a independent support group but it has kinda fallen apart again. There are several people in the Wichita area who have had surgery other places then Wichita. The doctors that do surgery here don't allow outsiders to attend their support group. If you are able to locate an open (lets anyone's patient come) support group, I would love to try attending again.
   — Jane L.

July 9, 2004
Hey Joyce, I run a small support group in's at least a little closer than J.C. A bunch of us are Liv-lite patients too. We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30 ISH at the Hospital. Holler at me if you need any more info...also, Several of us go to the J.C. meeting as well if you ever need a ride!!! BIG HUGS, Deanna K
   — Deanna_K

July 9, 2004
GEEZ...I'm sorry JOCELYN, I just had a BLONDE and PREGNANT moment!!!;}
   — Deanna_K

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