i had severe abdominal pain after eating for 2 hours and

now, 2 days later, i can hardly eat without discomfort. i can't even sit with pants zipped. no other symptoms tho, feel fine except for discomfort after eating. i am over 3 years post op with no other problems til now. i will see Dr. but wondered if anyone had this problem. its in the upper stomach under breast and above belly button, its sore if i push in too. thanks.    — Julie A. (posted on July 5, 2004)

July 5, 2004
Do you have a hernia? Is your gallbladder still in? Call your doctor asap. Pain is a signal something is wrong.
   — Ann B.

July 5, 2004
Is it on the right side? Could be gallbladder. Are you having BMs?
   — mom2jtx3

July 6, 2004
You don't mention if you have your gallbladder or if the pain is on the right or left side. Pain on the right side of the abdomen, below the ribs, with tenderness and pain that radiates into the back and under or between shoulder blades after eating can signal gallbladder attack. You should call your physician immediately. Good luck and God bless.
   — Katherine F.

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