after low potassium how long do you stay on supplements

I have had low potassium for quiet a while now and even my surgeon doesn't know why it won't come back up. I am going to a kidney Dr. this month. Has anyone had to stay on potassium? Does anyone know why we have this malabsorbtion problem?    — Toni L. (posted on June 29, 2004)

June 29, 2004
i have been on it for 2 years but it keeps me correct
   — cheryl D.

June 29, 2004
Toni, I had low potassium prior to WLS surgery. I was on 80mg a day and my level was barely staying in the normal range. My low count was due to taking a diuretic to get rid of the fluid build up in my legs. Immediately post-op my potassium nose dived and I had to get 6 bags of potassium through my IV each day for the first 2 opst-op days. Once discharged, I was no longer on the diuretic and my potassium level was in the normal range within the week and has been ever since. I am not sure if we maabsorb potassium or not. Janine
   — jmusser

June 29, 2004
For the past 2 years, each time in May, I seem to develop low potassium. I'm put on a supplement for at least a couple of weeks or a month and the levels go back to normal. When they do my yearly testing in November, it's normal. The longest I've ever taken the potassium supplement was 6 weeks.
   — Patty H.

June 30, 2004
I had WLS on the 5th of Feb. 2004 and have been on Potassium tablets since about the 1st of March...Last week I had my blood levels checked and My doctor said my Potassium was dangerously low and now instead of taking one tablet a day, I am taking 4 potassium tablets a day. I had my blood drawn yesterday and will find out the results on Monday....hopefully it is back where it belongs, but I have been told that if I don't start EATING more greens and foods that contain potassium, that I will have to be on the tablets my entire life.
   — cindirella

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