Has anyone had hormonal shifts following surgery?

I have hyperinsulinemia, hypothyroidism, and a severe growth hormone deficiency. My endrocronologist who is normally against every surgerical procedure has suggested my only hope of normalizing my hormone imbalances is to have this surgery. I am now showing some signs that my kidneys are starting to stress. My big concern is that I have this life altering surgery only to find no relief. Any suggestions? Documentation? Expereinces?    — T L E. (posted on May 24, 2004)

May 24, 2004
My hormones actually got alot worse since losing weight. I now get monthly migranes and have hard periods.But you say you hate to have this life altering surgery only to find no relief...what about losing weight? Isnt that some kind of burden on you now?
   — Vel K.

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