Hi Fiends....I could use some advice here

I am 3 1/2 years post op and just called my surgeon yesterday to get an appointment for my annual checkup. I also mentioned that I wanted to talk to him about plastic surgery. (my surgeon does the plastics on his patients if they want). I was then informed that my surgeon is leaving the practice and moving to nebraska in July. Immediately I started to panic, thinking "Oh God, what do I do now?". I trust my surgeon completely. He saved my life with my WLS, and then saved it again with a small bowel obstruction 14 months later. I really don't want anyone else to touch me, actually I am quite scared. The receptionist told me that they are getting a new doctor and that my case would be transferred to a new surgeon. I just don't know what to do? Any advice on this would be appreciated. Thanks    — enjo4 (posted on May 4, 2004)

May 3, 2004
I can understand your concern. My surgeon moved when I was 18 months post op, though to a location only 2 hours away so I can still see him and I chose not to see someone else. There are so many good surgeons out there that you can find for follow up care. Do your best to find one so that you have one lined up in case problems occur. There are also lots of very good plastic surgeons out there you can find to replace him. Just as you had to trust this surgeon when you went to him for WLS, you will need to trust someone else. Or move to Nebraska. Good luck.
   — Yolanda J.

May 3, 2004
Ask your WLS surgeon, and other WLS surgeons in your area for recommendations. They should know who is doing reconstruction for patients after massive weight loss.
   — mom2jtx3

May 4, 2004
I would rather have a plastic surgeon work on me then a WLS. That's there specialty. They will do a MUCH better job for you. Don't panic. Start interviewing some plastic surgeons who are in your health network and then decide on someone who you feel comfortable with and what there doing.
   — Patty H.

May 4, 2004
I know how you feel. My Dr. moved to Missouri when I was 6 months out. Really scary. Someone came in from Penn. to take his place for Texas Tech but I dont like him as well. Anyhow I agree with the poster that said look for a specialist. I dont think I would have gone with my original surgeon anyhow because he was 2 hours away. Plus my plastic surgeon deals with reconstruction (faces, cancer patients etc. ) I think they do a much better job plus they use plastic sutures. The surgeon that did my hernia repair knew I was going to have a tummy tuck so he threw my belly button away (doesnt that sound crazy)Not what my ps surgeon was going to do originally (he would have cut around it) but he was able to make me a new one. Looks great. Reall happy with my PS. But I must add the discomfort lasted ALOT longer than with my open RNY. Good luck to you and try not to be scared.
   — Marilayne M.

May 4, 2004
I would do as the other poster said ask your surgeon for a recommendation he will probaly have several for referrals for you and you can just pick from there good luck

May 4, 2004
Personally, no matter how much you LIKE your current surgeon, I would go to a 'plastic surgeon' for your plastics. Granted wls can do them; but the plastics are 'better' they are speciallizing.... as far as wls, I would wait and then see the new doctor (if you don't like him, find someone else close by; the chances of you having to have a wls is probally slim now, but it is ALWAYS a good idea to have one that has seen you just 'in case'. You'll do fine. In my case, it was me that moved; the first thing I did was see what doctors were available in the area.... but unless an emergency comes up there is NO reason you need to see your WLS. You should also already have a 'good' pcp that is doing your blood work.
   — star .

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