has anyone had only lipo on arms without the lift?

if so were you pleased? i started out as a lightweight. i don't have any stretch marks on my arms. i was wondering how much your skin tighened up after lipo of the arms only and how far out post-op from lipo are you?    — franbvan (posted on April 26, 2004)

April 26, 2004
I had the full brachioplasty, no lipo and so far it looks good (somehow I still thought more would have been removed) but I know that once I can get back into the excercise routine and firm things up. I think the true results will be more evident in 4-6 months. No regrets! (lipo was not an option for me ---- very saggy)
   — Dana B.

April 26, 2004
I would think lipo would make the situation worse. Then you have saggy skin with no fat to fill it. Maybe lipo with a lift (cut in the arm pit only) would be a good solution for you. Me I need a huge wedge cut out of each arm.
   — zoedogcbr

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