
but still got to their goal..i am 6 and half months out and only lost 95...another lady i know lost 133 and she was just a week back same weight as i was 318....please some reasurance would be cool hugs Dawn    — sweetdarling_ab (posted on April 15, 2004)

April 14, 2004
You've lost almost 100 pounds in 6 months!! That's GREAT!! I don't think your losing slowly at all. Just watch your food intake and exercise and you WILL get there. I had a friend who lost 3 pounds CONSISTENTLY every week and I struggled for every pound. Everyone loses differntly and at different speeds. Just keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!
   — Patty H.

April 14, 2004
It took me 8 months to reach the century club, and I started out over 300. Keep working the program and you'll get there.
   — mom2jtx3

April 14, 2004
Hi Dawn: Hang in there, follow your docs orders, and things will happen, in their own sweet time. At a year out I had only lost a little over 80 pounds. My 2nd year anniversary will be in July, and I am now down to 158. Keep your thoughts positive, and don't be hard on yourself. {{{ HUGS }}}
   — Chris S.

April 14, 2004
NO offense, but the words "slow" and "95 pounds in 6 months" DO NOT belong in the same sentence. You want a comparison? How about 90 pounds in a YEAR, and I was THRILLED. Don't compare - you will always find someone who loses faster than you if you look hard enough.
   — Ali M

April 14, 2004
If you had started at 418, not 318, that might be a little slow. But I really think 95 pounds in 6-1/2 months is a great weight loss. My doctor feels those who lose a little more slowly have better chances of keeping it off anyway. She also has told me that she has a number of patients who are still losing as much as 3 years out from surgery. All of our bodies are different, and we all lose at different rates, so it's really best not to compare your losses with someone else's. You must be doing fine, so keep up the good work.
   — Carlita

April 14, 2004
I noticed that you and I have the same starting BMI. At 6 months, I lost 100 pounds, only 5 more than you. 95 pounds in 6 months is wonderful. Preop, I was only able to lose 40 pounds _at most_ over about 9 months. Stick to the rules (exercise, water, protein) and you will continue to lose. I also noticed in your profile that you are struggling with emotional eating. You should get this in check soon as it will only get harder. Join a support group or Overeaters Anonymous or see a therapist. Good luck to you.
   — Yolanda J.

April 15, 2004
Hi Dawn, I started around the same weight as you and at 6 mths post op I lost 100# so, 95# gone for you at 6 mths is great! Remember everyone loses at different paces, it just depends on your own body! But, I don't believe that is a slow loss at all, keep up the great work!
   — Melodee S.

April 15, 2004
I'm at 8 months today, I had surgery August 15, 2003 I have lost 97 lb, The weight will come off. I just keep doing what I should do. Sometimes I get a little upset. Everyone is shape different.
   — ttrina

April 15, 2004
Slow, Youare not losing slowly. I am almost ten month and I have not lost as much as you. I have lost 86 pounds to date and i am happy. I really don't want to lose any more than 25 more pounds.
   — Just P

April 15, 2004
At 6 months post op I had lost about 95 pounds and now at 11 months post op I have lost 140.5. So I lost approximately 45 pounds in the 5 months after my window of opportunity. You are definately not a slow loser but remember your losing isn't even done yet. 5/9/03 314/173.5/170
   — Ronika D.

April 15, 2004
Hi. I'm 9.5 months out and just hit my 100# loss. Don't get discouraged. It will happen. Keep your chin up!!
   — lindadougherty

April 16, 2004
Dawn...I believe you're doing pretty good, but I do hear the frustration in your voice because I have been going thru the same desperation. All the friends I have who have had this surgery (4 people, 1 male, 3 female) have lost so much faster than I have. I had LAP RNY on 1/4/04 which makes me at 14.5 weeks. I have lost 57 pounds. I felt like that was not good because I was comparing myself to my friends. But from what my physician says, I am right smack dab in the middle of average normal weight loss. From reading the other replies here to this question, I believe we're both pretty normal. But it does help to get these encouraging replies from our buddies here on this site...or at least it really helps me. And as someone said, I'm hoping that by losing more slowly than my friends, I won't be quite so flabby. I started out a 333.5 and as of this morning, I was at 275.5. Hang in there and if you ever want to contact me, please feel free to e-mail me. It sometimes helps me just to vent my frustrations and ask those nagging questions which cause me to feel so defeated or depressed. I'm sure having a positive attitude, doing exercise each day, getting all the fluids and all the protein in each day will surely help us to finally win this battle we face. I pray God's blessing on your (and everyone else's) journey to goal. Kathy
   — Katherine F.

April 16, 2004
Dawn, I don't think you're losing slow at all. I'd say your 95 pounds is average to good, while the other lady's 133 lbs is extraordinary. I belong to a mailing list for people who had the operation Sept 2002 and it was funny how all of us were convinced we were slow losers, LOL. When we compared stats most of us had lost between 80-100 lbs at six months. Sure, some also did better and some may have been even slower, but I think you're in the average category. And always remember that those who have lost much more may have also had more complications and been ill more often...not sure that's worth the trade off!
   — sandsonik

April 16, 2004
My husband is also very frustrated. He is at 5 month and has lost 38 lbs. Many weeks the scale shows a gain of 2 to 4 pounds. He is sick a lot. Vomits nearly every night. His doc says he has never seen anything like it. Says he should have lost about 70 lbs by now. We are trying to stay positive but it is hard.
   — Robbin P.

April 16, 2004
it took me 9 months to lose 100, and a little over a year to lose 130. Try to keep it in perspective. I think many people have very unrealistic expectations.
   — **willow**

April 17, 2004
I am seven months out and -89 pounds and am thrilled I consider this a very healthy loss please do not judge yourself by others just consider ourselves lucky my sister is not healthy enough for the surgery my heart cries for her Terry
   — shambil

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