Please see below

I'am hoping to get a little help or advice from ANYONE. Long story short. I had my first open RNY in June of 2000 with a weight loss of about #120. I then began to slowly gain the weight back. I went to a new gastric doctor who said my pouch was "huge" and that he could make it much smaller. I "jumped" into another surgery in June of 2002. After I was released from the hospital I suffered a mental breakdown. I'm STILL recovering from that depressive episode. I have lost no weight, I have an ulcer, an umblical hernia, suffer from cronic heartburn, and the worse nausea one could imagine. Oh, it has also been going on about eight months of severe migraine headaches as well. My surgeon has "washed" his hands of me to speak of and my family doctor tells me to go back to my surgeon. I made a big mistake by re-doing the surgery over. I admit that. Because now I have ALL of these problems which I didn't have before. I had only re-gained #50 out of the #120 I lost. My life right now is at a complete stand still and I don't know where to go for some help. Could all of my symptoms be a vitamin deficiencie of some kind? PLEASE someone HELP ME!!!!!!!    — MissAuntieK (posted on March 26, 2004)

March 25, 2004
Kristin - I wish I had some advice to give you, but I am just a recent post-op myself, so I don't have much experience yet. If I were you, I would be searching for a new doctor. Find someone who can help you get to the bottom of your problems. I am thinking good thoughts for you and pray that you will recover and realize the benefits of WLS.
   — robinp330

March 25, 2004
I'm a pre-op, you said after your were released from the hospital the second time you suffered a mental breakdown, have you seen a psychologist or a psychiatrist and talked about that? Perhaps your other issues are so overwhelming because you haven't worked through the mental processes. I wish you happiness, I hope you feel better soon.
   — Shayna T.

March 25, 2004
Hi Kristin: Tried to email you but your email address link isn't working. Would you email back to me? I have some feedback for you. Take care! Don't give up the ship. Jackie O.
   — Jackie O.

March 25, 2004
Go to Two other doctors. Get new advice and don't go into to much detail only the health part with the new doctors. Start see a mental health doctor. You need someone to talk to that is on your side. And here we are all on your side. You have been through a LOT. Now you need a support system through the right doctors. I come from a state that all doctors think they are Gods and mess up a lot so stay strong get some meds that can help with the depression to help you fight the fight. There are some super people here that will walk by you and help you throught this rough time. Have Faith [email protected]
   — Tammy P.

March 27, 2004
I haven't had my surgery but was told sometime in June. I felt compelled to answer to you tho. I had a mental breakdown last Sept. so I know where you're coming from in that department. First I'd say to see a phycologist and have him perscribe some antidepressiants to get your head back to where it should be then go from there. If you're not feeling good in your head your body won't feel good either. I went to a regular Dr. who just would give me the pills but they didn't help. I had to go to a Dr. that deals with head stuff on a daily basis. I hope this helps you in some way and I wish you the best of luck in solving your problem.
   — suzeeq

March 27, 2004
Kristin sorry that you've gone through so much. Some of the answers are right in suggesting that you see a mental health specialist. Make sure they are experienced in eating disorders (not all are). Also, be careful about taking antidepressants, while they do help, many attribute to weight gain. As for surgeons you need one that is experienced in "difficult" WLS - there are some experts that specialize in cleaning up other doctor's messes. In addition, go to a nutritionists who is experience in eating disorders as well - she will help you subsitute your cravings of trigger foods. Remember you have CONTROL IF ANY MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL MAKES YOU FEEL UNEASY - CHANGE - ASK QUESTIONS AND A GOOD DOCTOR WON'T MIND ANSWERING THEM. GOOD LUCK
   — Anna M.

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