has anyone ever had panic attacks and changed there mind

   — lizzy L. (posted on March 3, 2004)

March 3, 2004
I had a week long anxiety attack back in October, about the time I scheduled my date. I didn't back out, but for a while there the anxiety was so bad, I considered it. I saw my doctor, treated the panic and went ahead with surgery in December. So far things are going well, and I have no regrets about having surgery.
   — Patricia T.

March 3, 2004
YES, I had a panic attack so bad the night before surgery and backed out and called and canceled the next morning. I went to my pcp and he put me on anti anxiety meds and i rescheduled. I was ever so scared about this surgery but im glad I went through with it now. -62 in 3 months
   — JennA

March 3, 2004
I had panic attacks so bad a week before surgery that I went to a heart dr for a check up. I was having chest pains and a racing pulse. They ran many tests and said I was fine, it was just nerves. Then 2 days before my actual date, I broke out in hives. I was a nervous wreck. But all in all it was SO worth it. I knew I had made the right decision, it was just getting thru it. 10/7/03 - down 80 lbs!
   — Gemini52272

March 3, 2004
Relax, Anyone with an ounce of sense would be afraid of undergoing major surgery. You are quite normal. I didn't experience panic attacks or a case before the surgery. In fact, I was so gung-ho. However, after the surgery I had a case of buyer's remorse. I questioned whether or not I had done the right thing. Nothing was wrong with me. I was upset that maybe I could've maybe lost the weight without the surgery. But that's ridiculous. I had tried so many other things, so many times and none of them worked! I got over it and let me tell you. Very shortly afterward, I had only one regret: I hadn't done it sooner! I have a whole new world open to me now. Only you will know what's best for you but I can tell you that I'm 1 1/2 years post-op. It doesn't even seem like it. I went from a size 26/28 to an 8. My interpersonal relationships have changed and I wouldn't give back the surgery for the world. By the way, I'm very healthy and don't take ANY medications. I must say I look great and I didn't have hernias, extra surgeries, plastic surgery, extra skin, etc. Go for it! Peace, Tonya
   — Latonya W.

March 4, 2004
You can work with your surgeon to have medications that you can take before you go to the hospital (no driving, please!) to keep you calm and the anesthesiologist can take good care of you before you go to surgery. Start talking to the surgeon now about your needs.
   — Cindy R.

March 4, 2004
Lizzy talk about panic attacks after being canceled a few times - I dream I died - dream was so real you could not tell reality from the dream state and this was 2 days prior to surgery - Then because of a mix up I waited 5 hours longer than I was suppose before surgery. I kept wondering if this was a sign - turned out well - my anestheologist was great I never had that "bang" feeling of being put under. ALL YOU ARE FEELING IS "NORMAL"
   — Anna M.

March 5, 2004
As a previous pre-op/recovery room nurse for a well-known bariatric surgery facility, I can tell you that this does happen. It's not very common in pre-op, but people do occasionally get last-minute jitters and decide to go home and think about it for a while longer. I think the majority of them kick themselves on their way home from the hospital, but they usually end up coming back. I even had a patient one time who had been given her "sleepy med" in pre-op and was quite drowsy. She was all excited about her surgery, had signed her consent forms, and never showed a hint of second thoughts. After being wheeled into the operating room they were just getting her situated and she opened her eyes and said "I changed my mind!". Of course, she hadn't been put to sleep yet, was just drowsy from her pre-op meds. And of course, we honored her wishes and took her back to pre-op. Her family was stunned and when she completely woke up, she was stunned herself. She went home to think about it and called back a few days later and rescheduled. So, does happen! Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

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