
Hi all. I hope I got some of your attention. As one who obviously has an addictive personality (ugh, hello, I LOVE FOOD) I traded one addiction for another, which could have been fatal. I am an alcoholic! There, I said it. I have been sober for almost 3 weeks now with the help of a detox center, AA, an individual therapist, as well as group therapy. While trying to get sober on my own I had a seizure while at work. Obviously, this can be dangerouse and possibly fatal. My blood sugar level was 48 which is low so that also contributed to it. I am not a diabetic or diagnosed with any Blood Sugar Disorder. This seizure was caused by alcohol withdrawel. Thank God it happened at work around people that love and care about me. My co-workers are wonderful people and they truly care. It scared them. I am a waitress at a highly popular (there's one near you I'm sure) family food chain restaurant and one of my customers was a nurse at the local hospital. Again, Thank God she was there to help. I admitted my problem at the ER in front of my parents and was admitted into detox for 6 days to be medically detoxed. I just wanted to heed the warning to others about this danger. If you have an addiction to alcohol, please seek safe help. If you don't, just be careful. This creeped up on me. I am happy to start my life over once again. Please keep me in your thoughts. BTW. I am 3 1/2 yrs Post OP. Open RNY -140 lbs. THank you!    — skennedy (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 6, 2004
What a brave post--you should be so proud of yourself. One of the hardest parts is behind you--admitting your problem to yourself, to others, and seeking help. Stay strong and stay focused on being healthy and happy. You can do it! :) Audra, Open RNY 8/7/03. 5'6"/248/165/140
   — jellybean0605

February 6, 2004
first off congrads on sobriety. it can be a difficult thing. please don't be too proud and take the help. it sounds like you have some great friends. hang in there, you're in my prayers. keri
   — Keri P.

February 6, 2004
GOOD FOR YOU!!! I am very active in Al-Anon (the group for families and friends of alcoholics) and I have several loved ones who are alcoholic. I have learned over the years to love and respect recovering alcoholics so much! AA is a wonderful group and has so much to offer--most are so willing to share their experience, strength, and hope. I think there is no better gift to give anyone than to give of ourselves. Good luck to you and your family and loved ones. I will keep you in my prayers, along with all my AA friends. I ask my Higher Power daily to keep us all in His pocket, safe from harm. <br> HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Linda
   — Linda S.

February 7, 2004
Siobhan learning to love yourself so you can take care of yourself is wonderful learning aid. Thank you for sharing and I know you will make this journey - never depend on anyone but yourself for true happiness - it allows us to include others.
   — Anna M.

February 7, 2004
I think you are brave for coming out to say this in public - I have a friend in danger of getting as far as you did... but won't take this big step. I am afraid she'll die. Good luck to you - I bet you'll do great!
   — kultgirl

February 7, 2004
I am so proud of you!!!!! You have made a tremendous step toward a better future in your life!!! You can do,it,I am here if you need someone to talk to, you can e-mail me anytime, My husband is a diabetic and he aslo drinks,I nor our family doctor have been able to convince him to stop,, he has to do it on his own and hopefully before it is too late!!!!! valita
   — bikerchic

December 21, 2005
OK-I am living your past. Help me-I know I shouldn't drink anymore because 1 beer throws me for a loop-however, I love not feeling the pain of life..I never, ever drank alcohol before the surgery...
   — [Deactivated Member]

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