Has Anyone Done Weight Watchers?

I told my girlfriend I would start weight watchers with her Monday, since I have been having such a hard time now controlling my hunger and snacking anyways(she does'nt want to go alone and she always went with me to those programs before WLS). I will just use it as a tool and I want to use the food counter. Do you think this is ok? Has anyone lost weight or at least stayed stable? I keep gaining and losing the same 10lbs and would really like to lose 20lbs (for personal goal, already hit Surgeons goal). Thanks for the advice :o)    — Sandy M. (posted on February 5, 2004)

February 5, 2004
Hey, I haven't tried weight watchers post op, but the nutritionist who is part of my surgeons practice recommends weight watchers, she says it is the most nutritious food plan. I don't know about being able to do the portion amount and she says to base your food pyramid on protein and not carbs. I hope this helps. Lisa hackenburg postop lap/rny 10-23-03 339/254.5/???
   — Lisa H.

February 5, 2004
Hi Sandy. Im 11 months out and i go to weight watchers meeting every friday at my job. I think it is a good plan if u want to maintain your goal weight. The only thing is u need your protein and on this plan your protein items are high in points, so what i do is alternate like 1 week high protein and next week weight watchers points. I like it and i plan to use it periodically. Watching your points is a good system and u can eat whatever u want, just within your points and moderstion. Good Luck 260/164/150-160
   — sexysag37

February 6, 2004
Hi, Sandy. I'll be 11 months out on the 20th, and I've been doing WW for 4 weeks now. My husband is overweight and I was hoping that if I joined, he'd feel comfortable joining, too. I'm happy to say that he has been with the program for 3 weeks. I had 52 pounds to lose to get to my personal goal (and WW healthy target goal for my height) of 165. I now have 45 pounds to lose. I'm anxious to get to my goal weight and become a lifetime member so that I can still attend meetings with my husband and not have to pay. I have always believed in the WW programs, as being very sound and every doctor I've had has recommended WW. I also joined because I was sliding into old habits and wanted to get back on track before my window of opportunity is over. I eat foods that I know are high protein, even if they are higher in points, because I know that food is the best for me. My husband follows the program a little closer to their pyramid guides, but tries to eat less carbs and more protein because he knows that is the right way to eat. He's lost 12 pounds so far and finds that it is a very simple plan - this from the man that thought all diet programs were bunk, so if he can do it, anyone can. I guess the point of my rambling is that I really recommend WW...Good Luck!!
   — vittycat

February 6, 2004
The 'new' thing right now with WW is the 'FAST TRACK'; one of the options is the 'higher protein' option. Ive been on 'it' a week and 1/2 - still basically eating my plan but putting it to 'points' - their fast track is 20 - I lost 1.2 pounds last week and have 15 more to goal left. I think its good; and you can get your protein/maintenance it good. Im doing it mostly to get the last off; but also to do maintenance if thats what happens.
   — star .

February 6, 2004
I'm to early a post-op for Weight Watchers yet, but I've heard a lot of positive things and seen people with good results - I think it helps to dicipline food intake also. My friend drives me crazy each time I pick up a food item shes knows the points and I know the protein, carbs and calories. Your 10 pound +/- is "normal" and should be the weight you'll use for life, I'm told.
   — Anna M.

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