Is it okay to eat a Carb Solutions high protein bar for lunch during the work week?

I had an RNY of 12/2/03 (228/194) and lost 34lbs. within the first month. The scale hasn't moved in the past 3/4 wks. and I'm wondering if it's because I'm eating a protein bar for lunch 5 x a week. I consume 60+/-g. protein (shakes), eat 1-2 small meals (high protein), along with drinking approx. 50oz. water daily. I appreciate your antipated feedback - getting a bit frustrated.    — Joan L. (posted on January 18, 2004)

January 18, 2004
Everyone hits their first plateau at about a month out. Don't stress over it. In the first few months I used protien bars as my inbetween meal..meal. If that makes sense. I ate 6 small meals a day, one or two of which were generally protien bars. But I did not drink shakes. icky for me. Use common sense and you will be fine. Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 18, 2004
Sounds like you are doing ok, are you exercising as well? Maybe drink some more water, I upped my protein and water & exercise and it helped a ton!
   — Saxbyd

January 18, 2004
The whole bar may be a bit much for where you are at. I frequently eat one for lunch or a big snack but I am 11-1/2 months PO. The first time I ate a whole bar for lunch I was about 6 months PO and I thought I would die. It was a lot of food but boy did it stick with me, like for about 5-6 hours. Just my opinion, but I would focus on eating good quality real food for your 2 small meals. Your water intake is coming along well. Keep working on increasing it as you can and start to add in some walking or other exercise as you are able. You had a large loss the first month at 34 lbs. Your body is just taking a rest. From what I have seen over the past 15 months of being on this and other sites, it seems that the great majority who lose a large quantity early on seem to plateau more often. They will sit for a while and then another sieable jump occurs. Nothing wrong with that. It may just be how your body deals with the process - work hard, then rest. I was a slower but very consistent loser and have lost 218 lbs and 24 to go to goal. We all get there in whatever way our body decides it wants to cooperate. Don't panic. Just keep doing what you need to and it will come.
   — zoedogcbr

January 18, 2004
Am I reading your question right... that is you eat 1-2 meals a day??? If so, sounds as if you MIGHT be in STARVATION mode. Not good. To little caleries is'nt good as your metabolism will slow down. A protein bar might be fine occasionally but our bodies need FOOD. By the way, I lost 32 lbs the first month! (RNY 5-8-01)
   — Danmark

January 19, 2004
Joan I envy you - I still cannot more than a tablespoon of food. I cannot eat the protein bar yet as well. Our WLS is about the same time. However, I'm sure you are not over eating. My doctor told me I would hit a period of time where I would stop lossing for a while, then start again - maybe you are at this point - your protein intake is good and water - don't give up - stay off the scales - as you can lose inches and not see evidence of it.
   — Anna M.

January 19, 2004
I had my surgery two weeks after you. I lost 17 pounds the first week then plateaued for a week. I lost 28lbs the first month. Doc said you will hit your first plateau in the first 5 weeks but it will break. I didn't want to eat at first and struggled to get 3 meals a day in. I started on solids a couple of weeks ago and have 3-4 small meals a day and find that the more I eat, the faster I lose. Same rule that applies to non-wls folks. 6 small meals a day vs. 3 large meals keeps feeding fuel to the metabolism & causes you to burn calories throughout the day.
   — boonikki29

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