Has anyone had breast cancer and then had wls?

I had breast cancer two years ago and went through radiation. I was wondering if I had it return and need treatment, will it be hard, because nutrition is important going thru treatment.    — linda T. (posted on January 5, 2004)

January 5, 2004
I didn't have Breast Cancer but 3 years ago I had Clear Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer). Had a full nephrectomy and was quite ill for some time. 2 years after that, I decided to go for Open RNY and was worried they would not consider me for the surgery due to the cancer. I am down 174 lbs, and feel absolutely wonderful! I am much healthier than I was. Good Luck! 09/30/2002 Open RNY
   — EMN

January 5, 2004
My mother recently finished her radiation treatments for breast cancer and had a Lap RNY on 12/15/03. She originally wanted a lap-band but insurance wouldn't pay for it. She was determined to have WLS because her doctors said that the estrogen stored in belly fat plays a major role in breast cancer. She is cancer free right now and plans to stay that way, God willing. Nutrition is a concern and we are always checking on her; making sure she takes her vitamins and eats properly.
   — y0maria

January 5, 2004
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Feb, 1999. I had a lap RNY in Sept, 2002. The healthier you stay, the better off you are when it comes to beating cancer. Taking weight off and exercising is a great way to stay healthy.
   — Ann H.

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