EVERYONE please look. Need help!

On 12-5-03 I had a hernia repair and abdominoplasty. A baseball sized portion of my stomach above the incision became necrotic and the wound opened up and became infected. A week ago, the doctoe went in and debrided the wound, so now I have a basebaball w/ a tail, 1 inch deep, open wound in my stomach. We are trying to get it ready foe a skin graft on 1-15-04. I will still have the hole, but the pain will be gone. The nurse comes daily to pull off the dressing and re-pack. Because there are exposed nerve endings, it is agonizing. My question is this. My starting weight for open rny was 264. 145 when I had surgery 12-5-03, now at 132 (doctor took 1.6 pounds of skin at surgery). I am unable to eat much right now, and look very unhealthy. I'm told that I will not heal w/o protein. Food does not appeal, and lately makes me nauseous. Any ideas out there? I would like to re-gain about 5 pounds, but am of course afarid that once re-gain starts, I won't be able to control it. HELP!!    — Lesa H. (posted on January 2, 2004)

January 2, 2004
Ouch! What you're going through sounds awful; you certainly have my sympathy. I would probably suggest a protein drink for you at this point. I make mine with water, but to up the calories you could always make it with 2% milk instead. I hated protein drinks, but the one that I use is great and I love the taste. It's called Amplify and I get it at my local GNC store. It's not a GNC product, but they may be able to order it for you if they are a franchise store. I use 5-6 oz. water, three ice cubes and 1.5 scoops of power and blend it with my blender stick. I've done this every morning for three months and will do it probably every day for the rest of my life. I love the taste, it has 30 gr. of protein and only 225 calories per serving. Of course if you use milk it will be more, but once you gain the 5 lbs you are looking for, you can use water instead of milk; trust me, it tastes just as good. Good luck on this one and I hope you are feeling better soon!
   — Michelle R.

January 2, 2004
another good protein mix is isopure vanilla- you can flavor it with anything and i actually like it! good luck and i hope you heal quickly- janey open rny 6/2/03 236/142/135
   — Jannie N.

January 2, 2004 I heard this is supposed to be good. You can add it to whatever does appeal to you to boost your protein intake. I am still pre-op so I cannot tell you from experience but only what I have read on the board. I am sorry to hear you are having problems and hope you are well very soon!
   — Janet M.

January 2, 2004
Bless your heart! My prayers and thoughts are with you and hopefully you will bounce back to good health soon. With this being said I would advise you not to worry about gaining weight back I would concentrate on getting all that protein in, since that is what you need plus water for healing, Once the most serious problems are resolved, then you can worry about your weight. I was just sidelined from a breast reduction. No exercise for 6 weeks and I didn't gain an oz. I ate just as I did before surgery and my PS couldn't believe how well/fast I have healed! The BR diet is the same as LAP RNY...high protein/64+ ozs of water. Having been on this for 10 months my healing was next to nothing! Good Luck...Keep us updated! LAP RNY 2/11/03 250/142/135
   — Hazel S.

January 2, 2004
Lesa, This scares me go death because I am scheduled for double hernia repair and panniculectomy on 1/26. Did a plastic surgeon do this to you? What caused it? I would advise that you try the new SPOON STIRRABLE Adkins shake mix for protein. Make sure you get the new spoon stirrable type. It says it right on the label. I am making a very smooth pudding with two or three scoops and some water. It is really good! I like the Strawberry best. Very low in carbs, I think 2 of them and high in protein. I got mine at Walmart. It is really very easy to make and I like the taste a lot. Is your doctor not able to help with the agonizing pain with pain meds? Ask for Oxyfast which is a form of oxycodone. It is liquid and very good for pain. What are you taking for pain? God bless you and help you get well quickly!
   — Mylou52

January 3, 2004
Original poster here. Thank you for your responses. I already feel better knowing you're out there. If you are scheduled for a TT, try not to be scared. My plastic surgeon says that this is very rare, and that sometimes a portion of skin just has no blood flow, and dies. My theory is that it happened when they pulled the skin down, because of the placement and shape of the wound. I tried morphine before dessing change yesterday. did not help pain, but made me throw up. Go figure! I do not plan to have a scar revision, even though I will have a deep hole. I'm done with surgery. You should know though that my stomach IS flat, and will look great with clothes. I'll just have to give up on my bikini modeling career!
   — Lesa H.

January 4, 2004
There is a liquid protein supplement - Proteinex - that is in predigest form so it is easily absorbed by us. I don't have the web site off hand but you could do a search on yahoo for it. You can get it online or at Walmart (ask the pharmacist). They may have to order it for you. Proteinex has 15 gms of protein in 30cc (2 TBLS). Best of luck to you...
   — adeas

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