I'm allmost I month post op How long does it take to feel better?

Really need some imput from you guys. I'm 58 had open RNY with gall bladder out. No major problems other than a little suture infection which cleared in a few days. I am using insulin to regulate diabetes(was on Glucophage pills before surgery} Readings are generally under 200. No real pain to speak of, just feel achy. I seem to have no energy. Don't really feel like doing anything. And I'm crying all the time...did I make a big mistake with this surgery? Or am I being too hard on myself expecting to recuperate like when I was in my 20's, I'm on pureed foods and not having any probelmswith the diet or drinking enough water. I really need some imput from you guys. Much love Judi    — Judith W. (posted on December 29, 2003)

December 29, 2003
it took me 2 months before i felt normal. and because of the fast weightloss our hormones go crazy. it took me 3/12 months to stop the crazy crying. i would even cry at sappy tv commercials and i'm not a crier.
   — franbvan

December 29, 2003
It took me 2 1/2 months before I started to feel like myself. I experienced all the emotional ups and downs also. Try to hang in there. Just continue to do the protein and water thing. also exercise. do what you can. Make sure you have a up to date blood work. to rule out anything else. hang in there you will pick up soon, take care**Hugs**
   — Naes Wls J.

December 29, 2003
I'm almost 8 weeks out, and I understand how you feel. I started feeling more like myself again at about 5-6 weeks. At that point, my energy was better, and things had pretty well healed. I still feel somewhat achy, but can get by pretty well with Tylenol. It will get better!!
   — Shelly M.

December 29, 2003
How much protein are you getting in a day? I am about a month out as well and when I started soft foods in week 2, my protein intake dropped, and so did my energy level. So, I had to supplement my food intake with protein shakes. <br><br> I am no big fan of protein shakes -- I am using the unjury chocolate mixed with skim milk (28 g protein) but I tolerate it since it helps me get half of my daily protein (doc wants us to get 60 grams) and once I added it back in my energy came back with in a day or so.
   — Patricia T.

December 29, 2003
Judi, I'm 56 and am 9 mos post op. Maybe it does take us a little while longer to recuperate. But it will get better. Are you doing some walking or getting up and getting out for a while? I found that helped me. And, yes the protein and vitamins make a different. I had to fly from New Orleans to Houston when I was 5 weeks post op and was so exhausted when I got back that I could barely put one foot in the front of the other. Lasted a few days. But I bounced back within a week. And yes, our hormones are affected big time. I still have a problem with that, but it too is getting better. So, no, you didn't make a mistake. Six months from now, you will know this for sure. So take it easy and hang in there.
   — lharbison

December 29, 2003
Hi Judi! You've gotten great answers. I was 55 when I had surgery in Feb of this year and for me 6-8 wks was the magic time. Six weeks I started having a little energy - I noticed a little bounce in my step and by 8 wks I'd been back to work a couple weeks and actually felt pretty good. I was also open RNY and was sore for quite a while - not in horrible pain at all but just knew I'd had surgery for 2-3 months. Watch your protein, water intake and vitamins like a hawk - it makes a big difference. And if you can find a protein drink or bar that you can tolerate it's great - but not everybody can stand them and that's okay too. And boy those emotional ups and downs are something aren't they? I think lots of it is meds - getting rid of the anesthesia and the pain meds - and then realizing that we've done a big, big thing! But it's a great thing - and it's a great ride! Soon you'll do nothing but enjoy it - it TRUELY gets better with time. But cut yourself some slack when you need to. Also - exercise REALLY helps in the mood department. Best of luck to you my dear - great way to start the New Year you big loser!!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 29, 2003
Oh, Honey, don't be so hard on yourself! You're just four weeks out from major surgery. Regardless of age, that's a big thing for a body to get used to! Your body is trying to heal many surgical cuts, adjust to this new nutrition, and have hormones dumped into it from the shrinking fat cells. Congratulations--you're perfectly normal! It took me a little past three months to feel like my old self again (I was 44 at surgery). I was tired and needed naps until then. My surgeon wasn't worried, and all my labs were fine. It just took awhile to heal, and for my body to adjust to what I had done to it (and I am so GLAD for what I did to it). Do your best to get in your protein, water, and nap when you can. It gets better so much sooner, that you'll forget all about this in a few months. Hang in, there, Judi. You did the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
   — Vespa R.

December 30, 2003
Judi - I am 3 weeks 1 day out from surgery and feel great (I will be 55 in Feb). I am surprised. I am also a diabetic and am currently monitoring my sugar levels to see if I need medication. I was on glucophage, but am currently on nothing. My levels are normally around 140-170 during the day. I will be doing blood work on Friday to get a better read of my glucose for my endocrinologist. I truly believe I am feeling so good because I did protein loading via shakes prior to surgery and I am getting in 100+ gms of protein a day since surgery using shakes as the primary source. I am really convinced those shakes are a major difference in my life. I have just graduated to the pureed stage and am following the doctor's instructions to the letter. Are you on hormones? I am on premarin (estrogen) and had to be put back on that in the hospital on day two because they thought I was running a temp. Premarin brought my "temp" under control immediately. Good luck and do talk to your doctor to make sure that you are doing all that you can to feel the best possible. Sandra 303/290 pre-surgery/268/145 down 22 pounds plus 15.5 pounds of fluid weight from surgery
   — Arizona_Sun

December 30, 2003
Judith, you are doing just fine. At 58, any major surgery is going to take you a little longer to recover from than those youngsters. And considering that you are not taking in alot of calories or solid food yet, its totally understandably why you lack energy. That will all change when more time goes by, you start eating solids, and the weight drops. However, even though you don't feel like doing anything, I would urge you to force yourself to walk every day. Exercise does help the recovery process and helps get your energy back even though it doesn't feel like that in the beginning! As for the crying..NORMAL..its hormones being release rapidly into the system due to the weight loss. That too shall pass...
   — Cindy R.

January 1, 2004
hi i had my surgery i was 55 it was a couple of mos before i was back on track and feeling well. my neighbor had it done at 35 and she was fine after a few weeks and i thought it has to be the age so just hang in there it gets better even though i thought it would not it does thank god for my husband because i litterly could not move for a few weeks and my neighbor was up and down her steps i said oh god i cant even move my back was killing me in the middle of it thought they had dropped me or something. take care and good luck write me if you would like rosemary

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