Yet another surprise experience post op

I'm about 10 and a half months post op, and down 93 pounds; I read on here about peoples' experiences with their new, healthier bodies, and today, and I sort of surprised myself with two situations. The first one, I ran up the stairs (well, ok, I am wearing heels so I WALKED up the stairs) for a meeting at work; I was a little out of breath when I got to the top, and my INSTINCT was to hide until I caught my breath. Then it occurred to me in a heartbeat that because I am no longer fat (I'd still like to lose another 20 pounds, but I'm pretty content where I am), no one would think I was out of breath because of lugging around all that extra weight. That thought was sort of liberating - that you could actually be out of breath because you just trudged up the stairs, NOT because you're fat. The other thing that happened was I realized that for the first time in my life, if I'm going to wear nice pant suits and skirts at work, and am going to tuck my blouse in, which I've started doing, I'm probably going to need to invest in a belt or two. I have never before wanted to draw attention to my waist, but suddenly the thought of doing so was sort of neat. I guess my question was, what other ingrained habits have you longer term post ops found became obsolete as you lost the weight? I wonder what else I'm going to "discover".    — johanniter (posted on December 17, 2003)

December 17, 2003
I am always trying to decide if I can fit between things, parked cars, tables, etc. or if I need to go around. I'm down 95# and it surprises the heck out of me when I get through tight spaces. A lot of times I didn't even try because I wanted to save myself from the embarrassment of getting stuck and having to go around. It is these little things that continue to amaze me and know one except those of us who have been through this can appreciate the feeling.
   — Joan R.

December 17, 2003
I could sit here all night with my new "discoveries" But I'll just ramble on with a few 1) I was taking a walk. Something felt VERY STRANGE, I could not figure it out- Then I realized MY UPPER THIGHS were not rubbing together- Its felt WEIRD, because they always have, so it was a new "sensation" 2) I have to ditto about fitting into spaces, I'm still amazed when I can sqeeze through a tiny space 3) Holding up a pair of jeans and saying "haha, yea right, these would NEVER fit you"....and they do 4) I put things back on the rack because they are TOO BIG- I was always like- The BIGGER the better (trying to hide it all I guess) now I'm look for something that will show some curves 5) Buying Bra's n Panties cause they are CUTE, not because I'm so excited they actually have my size in stock 6) Running without everything bouncing and slapping together (well stuff still "slaps" but not as bad haha 7) Sitting on something, without GREAT fear that it will break. And EVERYONE will see 8) Being able to stand on my feet for HOURS on ends- (before I'd need to sit every few minutes) 9) Being able to tie my shoes without my face turning BEET red 10) and I'll close with this one. I have to agree about going up the stairs, and not worrying about if someone would see you all out of breath- I actually use to start COUGHING, so someone would think I was out of breath from that.......and not because I was too fat to make it up the stairs :) Funny the things we do !! Ohhhhhhhhhhh wait, I need to add just one more. LEAVING THINGS IN MY PLATE..this is by ALL means a HUGE one for me. I ALWAYS cleared my plate (several times over) Now is very weird for me to leave something on there..I've had waitresses ask me "Oh my,was there something wrong with the food"..and its fun to reply "oh no, it's wonderful, Im just full" (smile)
   — WABBIT F.

December 17, 2003
My most recent discovery was this past weekend. My husband, son, sister and I went into Manhattan by subway and spent the afternoon/evening shopping. We returned home by subway, late in the evening, carrying heavy bags from Old Navy and a few other stores. When we got on the train to go home, it was kinda crowded and the only seat that I could get to was one at the end of the car. If any of you are familiar w/ the NY subway cars, this seat is a seat for 2 people, and they aren't too roomy. Well, there was a young man sitting in one of the seats, but I was pooped, so I figured I'd just sit at the edge of the seat and not sit back in it. This is always how I had sat in the subway when it was crowded when I was a pre-op, as not to squeeze the person next to me. So, I was sitting this way for a few stops until the train jerked and I slid back into the back of the seat. Guess what!!! There was even elbow room! I actually fit in the seat and didn't even touch the guy next to me. What a shock. I guess my head has not caught up with my body. I am a normal size now and still, in my head I was obese enough as to not fit in a subway seat. My husband, as understanding as he is, just didn't get how incredulous the whole thing was. As others have said, you will come across many of these little post-op discoveries, each one making you more and more happy about going through the surgery. Congrats!!!
   — Fixnmyself

December 17, 2003
I ALWAYS hid my butt because it was HUGE!! After I lost all my weight, I found that my butt reshaped itself (probably from all the walking I did!!) and it's now the best area on my body!! I get compliments from men all the time about what a nice butt I have!! Also, I was always embarassed about my big stomach, but since I had my tt, and have a 26 inch waist, I wear shirts that show off my belly and I'm PROUD to do so (even with the 3 or 4 stretch marks I have!!). I no longer feel I have to HIDE my body (not that at 250 pounds you could miss it!!) or cover it up the way I used too. I think that's the most liberating thing about losing weight to me.
   — Patty H.

December 17, 2003
Ok - here's another one. When I'm sitting for any length of time on a wooden chair or bench or anything hard for that matter, it actually hurts as there is apparently way less padding between my bones and the chair! I have also hurt myself by leaning my elbow on my thigh or the like as my elbows are much "pointer" now that I've lost 100 pounds. Oh, and I can no longer sleep on my side with my knees directly on top of each other as the bones there too sorta knock together. It's a weird adjustment period all around, but I wouldn't change it for the world! OH! I can also sit in a seat at the movies and put my arm in MY lap and not the lap of the person next to me!!!
   — Ryan M.

December 17, 2003
The first thing I thought when I read the question was, "I miss my butt padding!"<br> I also have found how different s-e-x feels, to the point where I want to keep stopping mid-point to analyze ;) Not a popular move with my husband! LOL <br> Bummer thing - unwanted attention. That kind of stinks. Esp. from family members. "Hello! I am still me in here!" <br> Good Topic, and I wish you continued success!
   — kultgirl

December 18, 2003
The most amazing for me after being down 90 lbs. Is being able to cross my legs!! that how even the smallest clothing I had is now getting to loose to wear! WOW
   — c T.

December 18, 2003
For me.. its holding things up and saying.. "this won't fit" only to be surprised that it fits.. beautifully... they all look too small.. for anyone to wear! *grin* I think right now, the fun I'm really having though is buying NEW clothes.. in a size I know I'll be for awhile.. I didn't allow myself to do too much of that when I was losing.. ebay and thrift stores were my friends.. right now, its so much fun to shop for NEW things just for me. I was coming home last night with bags and bags and someone said "Christmas shopping all done?" I thought for a minute and realized everything was for me.. and said.. "well, all MY presents are here... " Enjoy everyone and be really good to yourselves!
   — Lisa C.

December 18, 2003
One more.. I can't hold shampoo in my fingers anymore.. too much space in between them.. something I marvel at daily!
   — Lisa C.

December 18, 2003
One of the funniest things yet to happen to me was...we have a heavy, large receiving door at my workplace. When I used to take out packages pre-op I used to hold the door open with my butt, and carry all my packages in my arms. Well, it was about 4-5 months post-op and I was down maybe 75 pounds, when I had to deliver packages. I went about my business and went through the door and suddenly found myself catapulted, dazed and confused, half way across the reception area. My butt had apparently become too small for a door-stop. The receptionist and I looked at each other and burst out laughing (she had known about my sugery and is a big cheerleader of mine). That was the day I finally began to see those funny changes taking place all the time. Good luck and have a great ride!!
   — Tracy H.

December 18, 2003
Oh, to your great delight, you will have lots and lots of discoveries coming your way! For me, it took a while to figure out I did not have to turn sideways in a store aisle to let others go by. I have run up a few flights of stairs and not been out of breath-amazing when I think I used to pause 1/2 way up one flight for a breathing break. Fitting comfortably in a theater seat or an airplane seat is wonderful. Being in a business meeting and not checking to see if you are the largest person in the room (pre-op I would always scope the room to see if someone else was larger and if not, I wanted to be inconspicuous and try to hide). And best of all, going thru the dilema of what to wear to work every day because everything looks good on you instead of the dilema of deciding what to wear because nothing looks good!!
   — Cindy R.

December 19, 2003
I have had so many discoveries during the past 15 months since I had surgery, and it's so funny how the little things are the best!!!! I had a party the day I wore regular sized pantyhose. I called everyone I knew from the dressing room when I got into a size 10 for the first time in my life. I LOVE being able to wrap a regular sized towel around me and run around the house!!!! Going into ANY clothing store and not feeling embarrassed because they don't carry plus sized clothes! Being able to sit in the recliner with my husband is pretty neat too! It took my head a long time to catch up with my body, but I happened to see myself in a mirror without realizing it was me. I thought "Wow, I wish I was as skinny as that girl", then realized it was ME!!! Who would have thought? My favorite thing so far has been the fact that people who didn't know me before have said that I'm such a tiny little thing!!!! Amazing!!!!! Keep up the good work!!! Celebrate all the little discoveries you make along the way.
   — redheadtedd

December 19, 2003
When I stopped having to look for the 'women's' section of a department store, I found myself very confused with where to go - which department I belonged in to find my size. I thought the 'misses' section was for teens, so I stayed away but that's actually where I belonged (juniors are for teens). I had to ask the sales lady who thought I was crazy.
   — Yolanda J.

December 20, 2003
Today I colored my hair using an at-home colring kit and discovered that the gloves in the kit now fit me!! My hands were always too big to fit into them. And I just had my wedding rings resized from a size 10 to a size 7! I also have stopped wearing any clothes that are baggy on me.
   — lizinPA

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