I had a hernia repair and TT on 12-5.

My first post-op was yesterday, and there is a big patch of skin (about the size of a playing card) to the right of my belly button that is dark purple. The doc says that area has poor blood flow, and if it dies will require a skin graft. Is there ANYTHING I can do to help this? He says no, we need to "wait and see", but you guys are the experts. Anyone know anything? Please help me. Lesa open rny 9-30-02 264/145    — Lesa H. (posted on December 10, 2003)

December 10, 2003
Lesa, It sounds like it's necrotic tissue... I had the same thing happen along my hernia repair/abdominoplasty incision in several places. They had me apply nitroglycerine paste to it 3 times a day - you have to be careful because it's nitroglycerine - and can make your blood pressure drop. So they had me apply it, and then lay down for about 20 to 30 minutes after each application. I had to keep that area bandaged for almost 2 months. BUT - it ended up being just a superficial necrosis, and healed up pretty well. Hope that helps! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

December 10, 2003
wait and see is not a bad thing.. I wonder.. could it not be a bruise? I am a month ahead of you in this process and I was pretty bruised up from my TT.
   — Lisa C.

December 10, 2003
Lisa, did you by chance have another scar on that side of your abdomen? I have an old gallbladder scar from 1975 and am having a lower body lift on 12/29. The surgeon expressed concern that there may be a lack of blood supply to the new scar area because of this previous surgery and we may have to have a skin graft if the skin doesn't 'take'. Sorry I don't have an answer for you but wanted to let you know I'm looking at the same issue. I'll be watching your progress and sending very positive thoughts to you.
   — Vicki S.

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