Has anyone been anemic prior to surgery

Has anyone been a sever anemic prior to surgery? Did you have to go see a Hemotologist before the Doctor performed the sugery? What was the end result of the therapy. How can I increase the iron count to improve my hemoglobin.    — Steffanie J. (posted on November 23, 2003)

November 23, 2003
Hi! I was severely anemic prior to surgery. I had to see a hemotologist as well. I was on 975mg. of iron a day. I took that large of an amount for years. If I missed some pills, I was so tired and out of breath!! The amazing thing now that I am post-op, I am no longer anemic and I have so much energy!! I would suggest you take your iron pills faithfully and try to eat foods high in iron. Good luck!!
   — Terri G.

November 23, 2003
I was severely anemic prior to surgery as well. After getting baseline labs done in January (before surgery in May)I noticed my iron REALLY low. I asked my pcp about this and he said to take liquid iron. Well, I couldn't find any and every time I questioned him he told me to talk to someone else. Well, surgery came and went and although I was taking a very high dosage of iron supplements, my levels were not moving up. So, I was proactive and called a hematologist and the end result was getting an infusion. It took 5 hours but I have sooooo much energy now! It's the difference between night and day. I absolutely believe it's the best thing (besides the surgery itself) that I could have done for my health. Prior to the infusion I was so tired and "groggy" all day I couldn't concentrate, I was forgetful, couldn't get motivated about really saved my life. I realize now that I had probably been anemic for a very long time and had come to the conclusion that the way I was "living" was "normal" for me. I'm so glad I was wrong! My opinion...get an infusion if your levels are that low. You'll be so glad you did. Good luck!
   — Jeralyn Merideth

November 23, 2003
I was anemic prior to surgery and my doctor advised me to begin taking iron supplements about two weeks prior to surgery and I had my levels checked up to the day prior to surgery. I still take iron pills as a post op for now but am hoping as the weight comes off and I gain my health I will not need to take the pills much longer.
   — SassySamara

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