
Hi, well i have been un able to take the majority of my of vitimons, id o take a liquid vit that has iron and b's in it but the multi vit and the calcium no...i have chewables but their gross and the other ones even cut up hurt too much and too broke to buy any more till basically i was wondering if anyone did not take the vits for a while and if their was some problems...i also know someone who is is post op about 5 months and never takes them..i would like to hear from an honest person who may have done the same...and the reprocussions. i do plan soon to get better vits.    — sweetdarling_ab (posted on November 12, 2003)

November 12, 2003
YES, In the long run there will be problems. Please find a way to get your vitamins in. unless your ready to see changes and damages in your hair, teeth, skin, bones etc. etc. Please it is so worth it now.
   — Naes Wls J.

November 12, 2003
I hear ya about the pills. I have a terrible time too but Nadine is right. The damage will not show up possibly until several years down the line.
   — Delores S.

November 12, 2003
Dawn- I had avoided taking vitamins for the first year post-op, as I felt that all the protein supplements (shakes and bars) I consumed were sufficiently well-fortified. My surgeon, however, thinks that it is a mistake to rely upon the vitamins in the supplements as their formulation does not always maximize absorption. So, now I take the Centrum chewable. Also, calcium is critical-- I found the chewable Solaray Calcium Citrate to be the best of the ones I tried. You just don't want to find yourself with anemia, bone loss or other maladies due to vitamin deficiencies. The money can get tight with all the pills, but the long-term costs are far greater. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

November 12, 2003
Hi! I see we had surgery at about the same time - I had my RNY on 9/22/03. I am just for the past several weeks able to take pills. I HATED them at first and could not take them at all. I take a chilren's chewable twice a day (I like the ones at Costco - the iron free ones, because the taste is pretty good and they are inexpensive), an iron pill (because the kids pill I take doesn't have it.... I bought Albion (sp?) chelated iron - it's a TINY pill, and doesn't cause too much constipation for me - I have trouble with normal iron pills - oh, and I got them from swansons vitamins on line - they are only $3 for 180 pills), AND just like a few weeks ago I started to take a calcium citrate pill. I think that it's important to take them, but I figure the 6 or so weeks I had trouble won't be the end of the world, but I'm trying to be good about it now. I think that we really have to try and find something that works because although it may be OK for a while, in the long run problems will show up if we don't take supplements. Another option that a poster mentioned was many protein shakes have calcium, vitamins, etc... my problem was is that I can't do those (BLECH! and I loved them pre-op) Oh, the other calcium idea was Tums "smooth dissolve"... it's calcium carbonate not citrate, but better than nothing... For me the smooth dissolve was very pleasant to chew and agreed with me. You might give those a try - they are pertty inexpensive. Good luck to you, my fellow September '03 post op!
   — w8free

November 12, 2003
You will be playing Russian Roulette. We do many things that we at first believe are gross. But, as adults we know we have to do it. You will find tons of people who do not follow the rules, the sick ones who tell the truth come back and wish they could do it over again. I know people who are in their 90's and have smoked their whole lives, but most people I know who continue to smoke are really ill. It may take a few years to feel the effects of not taking your vits,
   — faybay

November 12, 2003
You are wondering what would happen if you don't take your vitamins? If you don't take them, you will have brittle painful bones that easily snap along with a hunched back, your teeth will fall out, your hair will be split and broken , your skin will be sallow, your nails deformed and yellowed, your eyes dull and lifeless, malnutrition is not pretty. Find some vitamins right away that you can handle. If they turn out to be "gross", find different ones until you have found some that you can live with EVERY SINGLE DAY!
   — Kim B

November 13, 2003
Kim- YIKES! What a reminder...and on that note- I chew up and swallow my disgusting vitamin. Thank you very much.

November 13, 2003
Don't take a chance on your future by not taking you supplements now. After all, you did this to have a better future. The ravages of osteoperosis are horrific. My wondeful, viberant mother is essentially bed-ridden with this disease. No, she did not have WLS, hers comes from un-educated nutrition and poor diet growing up and unfortuenately it runs in her family. By the time she started taking calcum pills, it was too little too late. This disease will contribute to a too early death. And many years spent not being able to do anything, her bones crack and snap just walking. And she is only 5/1, weighs 89#--highest weight ever was 120#---I only add that because osteoperosis knows no bounderies. I am going to do everything within my power to keep this from happeneing to me. If maintaining my health means taking extra pills, I do it. I urge you to find ones that will work for you, and until you do---find a way to take what you have. FYI- I take 2 multi Vits, 4 calcium, 3 iron and 2 Vit C. This is with what my Dr wants, and my blood work always comes back great. I'm 2 1/2 years P/O. Good Luck
   — bek4901

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