Anyone been diagnosed with something called

I thought I had thrush in my mouth (yuk!), but when I went to the docs he said it was "hairy tongue." He said some studies link it to B vitamin deficiency. I thought that would probably be a good explanation since I know people have that after surgey. I've just been taking my multi lately, but should I add the B12 vitamin on top? Anyone else have this?    — emilyfink (posted on November 11, 2003)

November 11, 2003
I've never heard of "hairy tongue" but I can tell you that you absolutely should supplement B-12. A B-12 deficiency can result in irreversable neuropathy with is mierably painful. A multi vitamin does not contain enough B-12 for a bariatric patient. It's very cheap to supplement - mine costs $4.00 for a 10 month supply of injections. Best wishes to you.
   — ronascott

November 11, 2003
YES you should be doing B12 in addtion to your multi. either a monthly shot; or the sublingual (under the tongue) B12. Also, if your menestraing - you should be taking an seperate IRON pill... and also 1500 calcium.
   — star .

November 11, 2003
I haven't had the surgery yet and find it extrememly helpful reading all of your questions and replies. I just thought I'd add that there is a website that gives away 30 day Sublingual B12 samples. Just visit: or call 1-888-964-2636 I've received them myself and they send you catalogs to reorder or to order other supplements.
   — Simone T.

November 11, 2003
Sometimes dentists recommend brushing your teeth with a diluted version of hydrogen peroxide after oral surgery. The HP causes hairy tongue.
   — M B.

November 12, 2003
you can get a good sublingual (has to be sublingual (under the tongue) ) at trader Joes. it is pretty inexpensive, and lasts forever.
   — Katrina K.

November 12, 2003
They also carry sub-lingual B12 at Fredmeyers!
   — Saxbyd

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