Has anyone been approved for Plastic Surgery....

that has Trigon Blue Cross Blue Sheild Keycare 20? Although I am not at the point where I would consider it I am interested to know what if any roadblocks had to be overcome. Any information would be greatly appreciated. My family and I have had the same insurance for 7 years and just got new insurance October 1st.    — Kitty Kat (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
I have Trigon BC/BS of Virginia. I would say that the criteria is roughly the same. They paid for my abdominoplasty but denied my brachioplasty. You need to show pictures of the excess skin (grab it and pull it away from your body so they can see how much there truly is), indicate if you have had any rashes or odor from the excess skin. Also indicate how it's impairing your life (ex. I indicated when I ran that the excess skin hit me and made a slapping noise and hurt the other parts of my skin). I wrote my own letter and attached it to the doctors so they would have all the documentation.
   — Patty H.

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