anyone have inflamation of the pancreas
hi was having trouble with my g tube was in alot of they took a blood test and found out i have inflamation of the pancreas, my doctor says it can be common...we are waiting till tues take another blood test to see if removing the tube makes a diff...anyone else have probs in this area — sweetdarling_ab (posted on October 11, 2003)
October 11, 2003
Last month I went to the ER with severe abdominal pain. I had an ultra
sound done and was told that my gall bladder was full of stones and that I
was trying to pass a few of the stones and they got stuck in the pancreatic
duct causing my pancreas to get inflammed...also known as pancreatitis. I
was immediately admitted to the hospital and couldn't eat or drink anything
by mouth for about 36 hours...only a IV. The pancreatitis subsided but I
was told that I would need to have my gall bladder taken out, otherwise it
could happen again. I had my gall bladder out on 9/15. I spent a total of 5
1/2 days in the hospital because they had to wait until my pancreas was no
longer inflammed to do the gall bladder surgery. I am glad I had went to
the ER when I inflammed pancreas can be very dangerous. I hope
you are feeling better and I hope every works out for you. Good Luck!!!!
— Roger C.
October 12, 2003
For all of you out there - DO NOT MESS WITH PANCREATITIS!! It almost killed
me in 1991 (unrealted to my MO now) because I let my gall bladder problem
go too long. I thought I was suffering from grief because my mother had
died in 1990. While having my gall bladder removed with me having stones in
the bile duct the pancreatitis kept me in the hospital for 117 days, with 6
weeks of that in ICU and me not realizing where I was even, I was
unconscious. I needed 17 operations during that time to debreed the wound
of the infection and for other reasons. My husband was told that 2 years
prior to me having pancreatitis that all patients died of it because there
wasn't anything that could be done for them. So, be intune with your body
after WLS for symptoms of gall bladder disease and pancreatitis, you life
depends on it. And, pancreatitis is not fun, even now with the new advances
in medicine you can get very sick and the diet is boring from what I
understand, I have had a friend that has been through it. Bland foods for a
long time so you can let the pancreas rest.
— ChristineB
October 12, 2003
prior poster here - just a PS to what I just wrote. My doctor that got me
through the pancreatitis is now doing WLS on patients. His partner just did
my husband's WLS 2 weeks ago. He is a fantastic doctor, from the stand
point that he got me through my pancreatitis in '91 and what he is doing
for patients now with WLS. Unfortunately he would not do my WLS and I had
to go elsewhere. He did not want to open me back up because I develope
adhesions like there is no tomorrow. I went to another doctor that was
willing to tackle my adhesions and do my WLS. Take care, good luck on your
— ChristineB
October 13, 2003
I developed pancreatitis about a week after my bypass surgery. They kept
me in the hospital for 3 days on IV's and liquid diet. Stayed on liquid
diet at home for a week and then the pain came back a week later so they
removed my gall bladder. It was unpleasant to have 2 surgeries within 2
weeks but now I am fine.
— GailV
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