Anyone experience constant bubbling and gurgling in their stomach

I'm 14 weeks post op RNY. I've lost 61 lbs. I'm concerned about the noises coming from my stomach. On a constant daily basis, my stomach is bubbling and gurgling. I know your first thought is gas, but theres no farting or burping just that bubbling and gurgling. Its all of the time whether I drink or eat or not. Is this normal, and why is it happening?    — Regina J. (posted on October 10, 2003)

October 10, 2003
Regina, it happens to me all the time, and I'm six months out. It seems to be loudest when I'm in a meeting! Don't let it concern you. I don't know exactly what causes it, but it doesn't seem to be harmful.
   — Vespa R.

October 10, 2003
Yeah, what IS it about saving the noise for meetings? As best as I can tell, it's not the pouch that rumbles, so much as the intestine or colon. And no, mine is not predictable, either. Except for quiet meetings, of course. It reminds me of the old Drano commercials in the 50/60 on TV--the gurgling as the drain clears? Seems to be a mixture of food/liquid/gas in layers, as it moves on thru the system. Other days, there must be less of one of the formula, so it can pass quietly.
   — vitalady

October 10, 2003
hey Regina - congrats on your weight loss. I'm about 20 months out and I can tell you that my stomach is so loud sometimes you cna hear it across the table during dinner. My wife and I laugh about it. I think it's a small price to pay for being healthy. Relax, you'll be fine. -Mike
   — Michael N.

October 10, 2003
So glad someone else is having these things! I was going to post about it but haven't gotten around to it! The way it feels to me is like maybe there is air in there and as the food passes through the stoma the air rises to the top. I do belch from this sometimes but the noise (from the stomach) doesn't seem to be very noticeable to anyone other than myself. I've been afraid that I may have some kind of leak or something. I go back to the surgeon in a couple of weeks and I do plan on asking him about this. - - Pamela H - 15 wks out.
   — Pambylah

October 10, 2003
I've only experienced noises when I've eaten something that was a little dry or hard on my pouch. I did want to mention though that when I had an exam with my surgeon's nurse, who had had the surgery 1-1/2 yrs prior, her stomach was making all kinds of noises. She told me that it was because she had a hernia that needed to be repaired.
   — Judy R.

October 10, 2003
I am 4 months out as of tomorrow. And the noises oh my god. I really thought something was really wrong. I am so glad that this is happening to other people. Now it doesn't bother me so bad. It seems to be the worst just after I have ate. I was wondering if maybe I was eating too much. I try to keep my portion's to 4 to 6 oz. I have lost 104lbs. If anyone gets the answer to why this is happening to us, post and let us know.

October 10, 2003
rofl. My intestines and pouch sound like they are carrying on converstations with eachother. I am 17 months post op and i have to listen to it all the time rofl. Doesn't matter what i eat or anything. Oh well it is no biggy. Keeps me company lol.
   — tinalivesay

October 10, 2003
Yep, common occurrance! I don't think the little happy noises are all that obvious to others. It always makes me think things are working fine as they go merrily along! :)
   — Ginger M.

October 10, 2003
Ya'll are too funny. "Keeps me company." ROTFLMAO Thanks to everyone that has posted because you've just helped to educate a NEwbie a little bit more. Can you take liquid Mallox or Mylanta post-op? If yes, does it help to quiet the "chorus"?
   — Marrilee M.

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