I am 10 days post op and still now bowel movements...

anyone experience this...also i trouble moving cause my tube hurts so much...anyone else experience this    — sweetdarling_ab (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
Yes, I had the same took about two weeks before I went, then it was like water.. so just be ready... I also couldn't I was really miserable! LOL... it all worked out though. I'm told the anesthesia slows down your system, and the pain medicines can really bind you up...when you stop the pain meds, and get drinking more, things will start moving a lot better.
   — Kelly B.

October 8, 2003
I am two months post-op, everyone kept telling me that I would have a runny first movement, and I knew that my body was being loaded with protein so it would be a hard movement, and guess what it was, so please expect either. You may want to take some Phillips Milk of Magnasia, it works for me, you should have some kind a movement soon, or you may want to call your surgeon's office. They would not let me leave the hospital until I had a movement, good thing you do not have my surgeon, you would still be in the hospital.
   — cindy

October 8, 2003
I was told it would take at least 10 days, but OHHHH NO not I went day 4 at the hospital, I had a TON of gas the whole time I was there so maybe that was why, but like the others said be prepared......LOL Not to be gross but if your not to mobile it can be tricky to get yourself clean....LOL
   — Saxbyd

October 9, 2003
Hi Dawn. When the tube is taken out, you will feel like a new person, more freedom of movement and all, just hang in there, I know it's tuff. As for constipation, I too suffer terribly and my surgeon recommended Citrucel (Sugar Free, Orange taste)- it is a natural fiber therapy for regularity and can be taken safely daily which is what I am doing, else I would never go. Good luck. Venetia :)
   — Venetia T.

October 9, 2003
Get in touch with your surgeon right away and make sure they feel this is 'OK'. My surgeon wouldn't let me go from the hosp until I had a bowel movement. But, every surgeon is different. 10 days is a long time to not 'go' so make sure your surgeon knows and ask them what to do.

October 9, 2003
Hi Dawn. Like the other posters, I think that you should call the surgeon pronto. I didn't have a bm at all in the hospital, but I had a stricture. It's still all screwed up (22 days post-op), but I have a tiny little bm every 3 days or so. My docs all told me that more that 4 days without should be reported to them. Good luck!
   — Annie H.

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