Could someone please share with me what foods and portion sizes you eat ...

being nine months post op....-117......12 more to goal......    — april-michele D. (posted on October 1, 2003)

October 1, 2003
From my profile at 11 months (which was pretty much what I was eating at 9 months too :>) "11 months out and eating between 1000 and 1300 calories a day on average, 60 to 100 grams of protein per day, 20 to 50 carbs a day (I don't count the carbs in green veggies), and I don't count fats in my diet. I can eat about a cup of food - depending on how dense it is. Salad I can eat about 2 cups packed. Meat about 1/2 cup. Pasta - about 1/4 cup or I dump :>) I can eat a big mac minus the center bun with 3 or 4 fries as a meal (not often though!). I can eat 2 fried eggs on one slice of toast with 2 pieces of bacon. My typical day includes 4 moz sticks for breakfast; 2 strips of beef jerky for mid day snack; 2 cups lettuce salad with 1/4 cup chicken or tuna and 1 or 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds and French dressing for lunch; Dinner is usually something like 1 cup of homemade chili with ground beef and 4 whole wheat crackers or stewed chicken or such; and an evening snack of either 2 sticks of jerky, 1/2 cup cottage cheese or a NSA fudgecicle. I also drink about 6 - 12 ounce cans a day of Diet Pepsi (so shoot me lol) and 2 - 32 ounce bottles of Propel Flavored water with vitamins. I also drink other sugar-free beverages throughout the day but really don't care much for just plain water"
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 1, 2003
10.5 months post op- I think maybe I can eat a little more then most people- so I try to be careful- Yesterday for breakfast I had leftover chicken from the night before (about 6 oz) (I've never been one for breakfast foods) for lunch, I made a big salad with tuna fish- For snack, about 2oz of beef jerky, for dinner- one chicken leg, 1/4 cup of corn, 1/4 baked pot- Oh I also ate 2 Sugar free chocolates. I also drink alot of diet soda during the day (shoot me to) haha- I've lost 144 pounds and have 18 more to go-
   — WABBIT F.

October 2, 2003
My profile has what I was eating at 1 year post-op if you want to check it out...
   — Cindy R.

October 2, 2003
April, I am just now a year, but I have been eating pretty much the same for the last 5 months give or take. For breakfast I have 1 small container of Light and Fit (blue) yogurt with about 1/4 c. s/f granola. Morning snack is peanuts, or peanut butter crackers. Lunch is usually either a cup of Hot and Sour Soup (or any soup for that matter) small house salad with chicken, 1/2 chicken fajita roll-up from Applebees (no fries, or anything else though). Midday snack is s/f popcicle or pretzels. Dinner is usually spaghetti o's, chili, cheese and crackers, or sometimes I have homemade pizza. I generally don't get much over 1 c. fairly runny consitancy or 1/2 cup heavy foods, but it does depend. If I eat meat, it has to be VERY jucie and I don't eat the crust when I eat pizza. I drink 3-4 16oz bottles of water, 1-2 12 oz diet sodas, and maybe (when it's colder out) a 12 oz cup of nsa hot chocolate or hot tea. I'm not getting more then about 850 calories each day, which worries me, but I'm still getting about 40 grams of protein. 9/25/02 -140lbs
   — Rachel W.

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