has any one developed kidney stones since rny surgery?

Since my surgery 2/28/03 i have developed kidney stones twice. Has anyone else experianced this?    — Pat W. (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 19, 2003
I have had stones twice since surgery, but that is nothing new for me. I have had many my whole life. according to my urologist adequate fluid intake is critical to stone prevention, 64 oz day minimum, Other wise drink til your pee is clear, and then drink some more. Also he says ovoid exceesive protein intake, as it may increase your uric acid excretion tin your urine even tho your blood uric acid levels may be normal, you may still excrete excessive amounts through your urine. also recommended keeping calcium intake thru diet and supplements to no more than 1200 mg. I have calcium oxylate stones. there are also other types. I also spoke w/ the dietician about this last week and she agreed that even tho we have malabsorption that 1200 mg is adequate for bone health. I have a fairly proximal rny I dont know if you have a different type surgery if that makes a difference. good luck and keep in touch with your urologist!!!
   — **willow**

September 19, 2003
What kind of calcium are you taking? Tums, Viactiv, coral calcium? They are all calcium carbonate, which we can no longer digest. It requires some time spent in acid to be digested. Switch to calcium citrate. If you're making calcium stones, this should help . . .
   — RWH G.

September 19, 2003
Yes, I developed one and it was the most horrible thing ever. I addressed this in a previous question so if you search the library for kidney stone you should find some good info.
   — Dawn P.

October 4, 2003
I had surgery (RNY) 9/2/03. I am nearly 5 weeks post op and passed 2 kidney stones this week. As I think back though, I remember back pain and smaller fragments in my urine previous to surgery. I just hadn't put it together. I don't believe it is a new problem, but one I had not identified yet.
   — sherry S.

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