Do you think it is really possible for me to make my goal?

I had my surgery July 1st. I am down 47 pounds. I started out at 320 now I am at 273. My personal goal is 150. Do you think it is possible for me to make it? I am almost 3 months out and have not yet lost 50 pounds. How long do you think it should take me to make 150? If even possible.    — Stacie B. (posted on September 16, 2003)

September 16, 2003
Stacie: Don't despair! I too was 320, and now am 148 - 152 (depending on the day and on my previous day's eating habits!!). I am almost 14 months out and pst my surgeons goal for me. Many times a day people tell me not to loose more weight, but it is really an individual thing (I would like to be 145). I walk 4 - 6 miles a day, and eat mostly protein and veggies. I drink over 100 ounces of water a day, as well as 2 Real Meals shakes. It is indeed possible to reach your goal - I did!!!
   — Betsy B.

September 16, 2003
You are doing GREAT! Listen to yourself. You have LOST 47lbs in LESS than 3 months. Your already 1/3 of the way there! When have you ever before in your life lost that much weight in 3 months if ever! You'll MAKE it!!! KEEP IT UP!!
   — gina L.

September 16, 2003
Totally probable. I started out at 304 and now at 7 mo post op I am down 125 lbs at 179. I am in a misses 14 and I used to be in a size 30. I have been kicked out of Lane Bryant, LOL. Everything is too big. Good luck.. you are on your way!!
   — SarahC

September 16, 2003
Its possible for everyone to meet their goal. It only take will power and deterimation....good luck to you, you are doing great.
   — barbara A.

September 16, 2003
sure you can i started at 275, 10 months ago and i am 145 now, doc says 130 but after my visit yesterday he said i was fine. i want to get to 125 and i really think i will make it and so will you. good luck
   — terri R.

September 17, 2003
hi yes you will make your goal some of us are faster than others and some of us are slower. i am 5'5 weigh 312 my suregery date was 050302 i am down 118lbs it goes slower after you hit the 100 but it does move for me but slow i need to loose 20 more pounds before they will do tt that i cant wait for and hope fully they say i should loose 10 lbs than i will only be 10lbs from goal so hang in there you are doing great.

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