New slurpees at 7-11..calorie free diet pepsi slurpees....are they ok for us??

is there carbonation in the new calorie free diet pepsi slurpees at 7-11 or is it all fizzed out??? thanks!!    — DebPKansas (posted on August 22, 2003)

August 22, 2003
I've been doing this at home with frozen pop since I was a fairly early postie...and I've not got any carbination in mine. I've got to try these. Thanks!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 22, 2003
They also have the Crystal Lite slurpees here is SE Virginia, when you are looking to avoid the carbonation. Very tasty!
   — track

August 22, 2003
According to Seven-Eleven's nutritional data, the Crystal Lite Slurpees have 11 grams of carbs in 12 ounces.
   — SteveColarossi

August 22, 2003
I've had the raspberry ice and lemon lime flavors. They're very good, but please be aware that while they're sugar free, they are not calorie free. If I remember correctly, they're something like 14 calories per ounce. So a 28 oz one would be nearly 400 calories. That's 1/4 of my calorie allotment in a day. While they're good on occasion, normally I'd rather spend those calories elsewhere.
   — Cathy S.

August 23, 2003
Like the previous poster said I would think they would have quite a few calories, but I would also think they would have caffine since it is pepsi, that actually dehydrates you so I would probably choose something else.....:)
   — Saxbyd

August 23, 2003
I thought they were gross! I like the Crystal Light alot better. I understand what everyone is saying about the calories and all, but I drink them all the time as a treat for myself. I'm glad I can still enjoy my slurpees:o)
   — Sandy M.

August 23, 2003
My family used to own a 7-11 and there is carbonation in all slurpees. Sorry!
   — cabingirl

August 23, 2003
Im thinking I could put crystal lite in my ice cream machine and make lower cal slurpies, what is in the 7-11 ones that make them so high?
   — **willow**

August 23, 2003
Read an article on just that the other day. They were talking about how they had to mess with the ingredients because the freezing point on the diet flavors was higher--they froze solid in the machine instead of just getting slushy. Perhaps some of the "sweeteners" they had to use to get a lower freezing point increased the calories or something? I think they wound up using a combination of three types of artificial sweeteners.
   — jillym67

August 24, 2003
It says in the commercial they have 0 calories so how could they be bad for us other than caffine? 0 calories means 0 calories right?
   — Kicker

August 25, 2003
from the 7-11 website KC will be test market for 7-Eleven's new sugar-free Slurpee 7-Eleven Inc. will offer free 12 oz. samples of its new sugar-free Slurpee flavor, Crystal Light Lemonade, on Wednesday in the chain's 33 Kansas City-area stores. Developed earlier this year, the sugar-free Slurpee now is being piloted in Kansas City and Detroit. Detroit leads the nation in Slurpee sales; Kansas City was chosen for its eight-barrel Slurpee machines, which allow for more flavor-swapping than the traditional four-barrel machine, said Cathy Heald, a spokeswoman for the Dallas-based chain. The new flavor maintains the same texture and consistency as the sugared variety, but with a fraction of the calories: eight calories in an 8 oz. serving, compared with 118 calories in an original Slurpee. The sugar-free Slurpee was developed in a partnership with Kraft Foods Inc., which produces Crystal Light, the top-selling non-carbonated diet beverage and the No. 3 diet beverage brand in the United States. Slurpee sales account for $150 million each year for 7-Eleven.
   — **willow**

August 25, 2003
oops that was actually from a kc biz journal, but the caorie count is significantly lower than previously posted, it hink 14 cal per oz sounds more like a regular high sugar slurpee
   — **willow**

August 25, 2003
i live in a test market area for many things - Orlando, FL. - and one my 7-11's had a Crystal Lite Orange-Pineapple slurpee. It was absolutely the nastiest thing I've ever had. It was a hot day and I thought it would be very refreshing but it was sour and bitter and very acidic tasting. Awful. I wouldn't buy it if it was the only thing to drink!!! But, that's just my opinion, and the opinion of my son who also thought it was horrible, and he's the king of disgusting stuff (ie., sour candy, etc.) I hope the lemonade one will be better! :)
   — michelle T.

August 26, 2003
I can't drink normal soda because of the carbonation but Slurpees are fine!! The diet Pepsi is great but the Crystal Lite has calories-- which is fine if you are craving the flavors. I personally loved the orange-pineapple, raspberry ice was ok, and lemon-lime is nasty!
   — Angela G.

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