Vomitting several times a day?? 5 weeks post-op...

I'm about 5 weeks post op and am vomitting at least once a day - sometimes 4 or 5 times. I never know what will set it off. This morning it was a protein shake, yesterday it was soup, the day before a popsicle - I NEVER KNOW when it's gonna happen and it's miserable, not to mention very intrusive with my job. Any clue when my system will normalize and I'l be able to eat semi-normal meals? I'm certain it's not a stricutre, since I can get down a 36 oz bottle of water with no problem - and even a yogurt smoothie, broth, cheese, etc. I'm wondering if I should talk to my doc about nausea medication but even then it's not like I'm naseous all the time - just after I eat certain (most) things. Any advice? Any ideas?    — Tiffany J. (posted on August 12, 2003)

August 12, 2003
hiya~ personally, i'd call your surgeon. vomiting is not good for your pouch especially this early out. good luck, kate
   — jkb

August 12, 2003
I agree with the previous should call your surgeon and be assertive if necessary. Especially since it has occured 4-5 times. Even if it is a stricture some liquid can go down. I know I've on my 4th stricture. Take Care and call the doc.
   — Karen Renee

August 12, 2003
Vomiting, of any description, is not normal...and can cause a staple line disruption. Best to contact your doc and have your problem checked out. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 12, 2003
I am 5 weeks post-op too and have vomitted all but one day since Aug. 1st. I went to see dr. yesterday and he said that some people's bodies react this way and for some people it is a normal process as the body changes and adjusts. He wouldn't give me meds. He said that they would help, but he has found that it only prevents the nausea while you are on them and it begins again as soon as you finish taking the medication. His advise was to increase calories a bit because I would absorb some nutrients and to make sure I get plenty of liquids. He basically told me to be patient and things would get better very soon. (Sure hope he's right about that!) I know this doesn't help you, but maybe just knowing you're not alone in this will make you feel a bit better. I know your posting helped me to not feel so alone in this suffering. Hope things improve for you soon.
   — sue R.

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