Seeking Those Who Have Used "Carb Solutions" Products

I'm on a plateau from Hell. I'm trying like the devil to cut out as many carbs as I can and saw these at Wal-Mart. Only 4 carbs/2 net carbs and 1 gram of sugar...21 grams Protein for 11 oz drink. Comes in French Vanilla/Chocolate and Strawberry. Anyone been on it? Please let me know how it was for you weight loss. Thanks! Lap RNY 2/11/03..... -80 pounds and 62 inches.    — Hazel S. (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
Haven't tried those but I do use EAS Advant Edge from Walmart. It comes in a four pack for 5.86. Comes in 11 oz and in strawberry, french vanilla two kinds of chocolate. 15g protein, 2-5 carbs depending on flavor and o sugar, I love them. These are the only shakes i can tolerate and i have been pleased with my loss and can tell a difference if I miss a day drinking one. Sometimes, I drink two.
   — Delores S.

August 1, 2003
I use Carb Solution candy bars, the protein bars are great, the protein shakes are not the greatest, stawberry is okay, but the chocolate is to rich for me. They have BBQ chips and Nacho Chips that are good also.
   — cindy

August 1, 2003
I love the new chocolate carbsolutions in a can, especially very cold. It is rich and creamy, but I just suck the salt off pumpkin shells and eat the seeds. I was on the same plateau from hell and I added another can, making it a total of 3 cans of carbsolutions per day, and upped my water and BINGO finally its moving again. I highly recomend them, but I dont care for the vanilla, and they dont have strawberry in our region. :0)
   — wizz46

August 1, 2003
I will be 2 weeks post-op Monday and really like the cans of Carb Solutions. I drink at least 2 a day right now with my other pureed foods.
   — Kimmie H.

August 1, 2003
I haven'y used the prepared liquid drinks but I do use the powdered form and like it. It's $8.97 for a can and lasts me a couple of weeks, I use in the morning for my breakfast and to make sure that I get a good start on my protein.
   — lynnlassiter

August 1, 2003
This is probably no help to you, but I can't stand the taste myself.
   — SweetDragonfly

August 1, 2003
I use CarbSolutions exclusively and have done so from the day I came home from the hospital. I buy the vanilla and add plain Koolaid powder so I can have whatever flavor I want. Works great for me.
   — Vicki H.

August 2, 2003
I have found that the carb solutions powder (chocolate) is the best! I use it twice a day for protien and it tastes great. I have also used the pro-score 100 and mix it with the carb solutions to make the taste more tollerable. I'm almost 12 weeks out and down 65 lbs. God bless you!
   — Happy I.

August 2, 2003
I love the carb solutions shakes, I have never tried the pre-made but use the powder twice a day, the chocolate is the best but the vanilla is awesome also. My weight loss stalled for the month of July, I am now drinking a shake for breakfast and dinner with a protein lunch and snack inbetween and have dropped 9&1/2 pounds since the 25th. Good luck to you! God Bless! <><
   — garnet156

August 2, 2003
I have tried the strawberry and it was pretty good. I added a package or a teaspoon of Splenda to it and it was much better. I haven't had any in a while. I drank several of those during my liquid phase.
   — Angela M.

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