What is the difference between Proximal and Distal-RNY?

   — Marion L. (posted on July 22, 2003)

July 22, 2003
the amount of cm bypassed and that varies on who you ask (including medical professionals). It's a very debated question! My doc says I'm distal at 150 cm bypassed, others say it's only AFTER 150 that you're considered distal. It's just a number and not really all that important in the scheme of things. If you work the tool, I've read of others who've done grand on less than 100 cm bypassed (John Rushton I believe). I've lost 175 in a year so 150 worked for me (or should I say, I've worked it!).
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 23, 2003
A lot of insurance companies will not pay for the distal. BCBS lists it as non-medically necessary, and may deny it. I am not sure about other insurances.
   — Christy L.

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