I am 6 days post op, still on clear liquids. Is it normal to have diarhea?

I seem to get it after almost everything I drink. Is this normal? I don't have any other probelms except terrible, foul taste in my mouth.    — Stacie B. (posted on July 6, 2003)

July 6, 2003
It was for me. While I was on clear I had diarrhea and a foul taste in my mouth that wouldn't go away. About two days after I started puree foods it went away along with the taste in the mouth. LapRNY 06/27/03
   — horserider0146

July 6, 2003
I had the same question, and asked the nurses' line at BTC. The nurse I spoke with said that there's a difference between "liquid stool" and "diarrhea". She said that liquid stools were to be expected when all one is consuming is liquid. On the other hand, diarrhea was characterized by an uncontrollable urgency to go ... you know ... "Get outta my way NOW!!" kinda thing. Anyway, it makes sense to me that if all you're putting in is liquid, all you're gonna be putting out would be liquid. And my stools took on form and definition once I started full liquids and then pureed foods. Good luck! ;) (almost 4 weeks post-op open rny)
   — Dragon G.

July 6, 2003
Hi, Stacie - I agree with every poster below. The diarrhea is also your body's adjusting from the anesthesia; it's getting rid of the toxins from your body. Also the liquid diet. Once you progress to soft solids, it should normalize.
   — Joyce C.

July 6, 2003
HI!! I am 5 days post-op and I have the same thing. I also have that nasty taste in my mouth I can't get rid of. Must be normal.
   — Jennifer H.

July 6, 2003
I am 17 days post op.....I was the same way. I had diarhea(sp) everytime I drank something. I was starting to get concerned but my doctor told me that was normal. It's been 2 days now, and I haven't had diarhea. I think that your body just has to get used to the different way it digests things. Hang in there, it should get better.
   — Gwen F.

July 6, 2003
Once you start on the next phase of your diet, more solid foods you will gradually start getting firmer stool. It does get better, I promise. open RNY 5/7/03 down 38#
   — ChristineB

July 6, 2003
I was so surprised when this happened to me. but it does get better. Hang in there.
   — susanje

July 6, 2003
Are you drinking milk or milk products? Milk-sugar gave me diahrea for the first month until I had my first dr. visit after my RNY. I was dumping, so I had to stop the sugar free Carnation drinks for breakfast. I guess our new stomachs are like a brand new baby ... we have to try out things until we get it right. Call the doc if the diahrea continues though. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

July 8, 2003
very normal, i had it same time. from 5-10 days post-op. everyone in my Dr's group and the support group told me they had the problem the other way. most suffer from constipation, but as you would know it- my body had to be totally different. i was exactly the same, and had to get immodium AD- liquid form. finally it stopped, but my bottom was so sore!! your normal & it is ok. just keep drinking no matter what, or you will dehydrate & the only way to rehydrate is with an IV... i experienced that, too. don't stop drinking... good luck.
   — heather S.

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