Surgery in the morning having a CRISIS!
This is a question that I have yet to see on here. I am having surgery at 10:30 tomorrow and I have developed what can best be described as a BOIL on my thigh, just where they rub together. It is painful and hard for me to walk but I called the surgeon and my PCP and they seem to think it is OK (sight unseen). It is large and red and has 3 heads (sorry to gross you all out) but at the moment it is closed. Any advice would be appreciated. — meliss0725 (posted on June 25, 2003)
June 25, 2003
Don't worry. The boil will pop, just put hot washcloths on it until you
bring it to a head. THis should not affect your surgery at all. Good luck.
There is also a condition called Hydratintis Suprativa that you may have,
where you get the boils on your armpits and thighs. My dermo said weight
loss will definately help.
— natjemison
June 25, 2003
I used to get these all the time and had several at the time of surgery.
Don't worry about it, just make sure the nurses are aware of it and keep an
eye on it while you are in the hospital. You may need to go on antibiotics
for a while after surgery, but it won't/shouldn't interfere at all. Good
Luck and Many Blessings and Prayers tomorrow! :~)
— Sharon M. B.
June 25, 2003
I'd put a band-aid on it and be very greatful that you will be on lots of
drugs very soon. You'll also be given antibiotics which will probably help
clear it up anyway.
— Amber L.
June 25, 2003
There is something called PRID salve.(a black sticky salve) Brand name is
SMILE'S. It's a drawing salve and anti-infectant. You smear it on the heads
of the boils and put a band aid over it. Keep it on over night. It will
draw the cores out. It works really good. I have had my little round orange
tin of it for years. I use to get boils all the time. I would then sit in a
tub of the hottest water I could stand the next day. Good luck to you. I
wish you the best on your big day tomorrow!! Take Care.
— dizzy
June 25, 2003
At least your boil won't effect your ability to lie down! I used to get
them all the time--- but 8 mos. after surgery and they are gone (along with
227 pounds). It shouldn't impact your surgery. Good luck. My prayers are
with you.
— SteveColarossi
June 25, 2003
Hi, Melissa. I'm glad I'm not the only one to get these ugly things.
Anyway, yes, warm washcloths held to the boil will bring it to a head and
with GENTLE manipulation you may be able to pop it (sorry for the graphic),
but do not handle it too much or the infection will get worse! A warm bath
will also help, and I swear by something called Icthamol ointment. It is
also a drawing salve to bring all the stuff out of the boil. It's black
(because it's coal tar suspended in an ointment) and works fantastic! Be
sure you put plenty of gauze over it if you use it or else the ointment
will leak on your clothes. I doubt very much your surgery will be
cancelled. BEST OF LUCK TOMORROW and God bless!
— Joyce C.
June 28, 2003
Now that I am home I can answer my own question. The ugly thing had the
nerve to open up the morning of surgery on its own. This is bad because
they want no open wounds prior to surgery. The nurses did not want to
admit me but got me and my paperwork all ready to go. They called the OR
to ask the surgeon if they could go ahead. He said it was OK so they
started the IV. The surgeon took care of it my lancing it and covering it
with a cellophane like bandage. It drained on its own and I took the
bandage off the next day and will keep it open to the air. I went home
with an antibiotic perscription and will take them for a week. I feel
well and should be back to my normal self soon.
— meliss0725
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