"Binge Eating" Prior To Surgery

26 more days until I join the ranks (banded that is) As I go through my countdown to surgery and my countdown to my pre-op diet. I am finding myself eating everything any anything that will fit in my mouth. I have never done this before ever. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far and for the first time EVER, I had swollen ankles. I felt so miserable with myself . I plan on stopping this binge but have never experienced anything like it. Has anyone else who was not a "binge-eater" or a "sweller" (swollen ankles) ever found themselves going through this as the countdown begins?    — meliss0725 (posted on June 1, 2003)

June 1, 2003
While I had gastric bypass surgery I too binged before surgery big time. I had all the things I thought I would never eat again. I think it is a knee jerk response. I gained 25 pounds in the two months before the surgery. Perhaps it was because I had to wait so long before getting scheduled for surgery, about a year from approval. You are not alone. I had the surgery 4 1/2 months ago and have lost 65 pounds, so look forward to the future! Best wishes
   — Laura K.

June 1, 2003 surgery is june 9th and thank goodness because I have been eating like a crazy woman.Usually,I'm not a big sweet eater but I went through an entire box of ding dongs in about two days flat.Haven't had them since I was a kid.... Ya know they still wrap those things in aluminum foil.I figure that if this is common enough to have a name (last supper syndrome) then I'm not going to stress over it
   — jennifer A.

June 2, 2003
Yes, I have been eating like crazy! I have gain 10 pounds since my first consultation. That was almost 3 months ago. I have had too much time from 3/7. I think it is my nerves, not so much that I will never be able to eat again. My surgery date is 6/24. 22 more days.
   — Just P

June 2, 2003
Yes, I think many of us do that, thinking this is the last piece of cake I'll ever have, the last steak I'll ever have, etc. The truth is, after several months, you'll be eating most everything you did before, you just won't want as much of it.
   — Darlene P.

June 2, 2003
Its my one big regret from this entire process. I, too, binged and ate everything pre-op that I thought I would NEVER be able to eat again post-op. If ONLY someone had told me this would not be the case, then that 10 pounds I gained before surgery, would not be the same 10 pounds that I still have with me that are stubbornly hanging on, and I would be at goal. So, try not to binge if you will be able to eat fav foods again!
   — Cindy R.

June 2, 2003
I think it's not an uncommon response to the stress of upcoming surgery. Every time I have surgery (WLS or otherwise), I have some type of stress response -- can't get diddly done at work, or I overspend, or I stress over something really small & stupid. Binge eating's just another form of stress relief (make a mental note of that if you find yourself tempted to abuse food as a post-op -- it's annoying how predictable my food problems still are!). It's great to try to re-direct your stressors elsewhere if you can, but if you can't, you are definitely NOT alone here. If it helps, maybe you can break the binge by considering the following: To be in the best health prior to surgery, so you can have the strongest recovery possible, you want to take good care of yourself. There's so little we as patients have control over with surgery, that those things you CAN control, you may want to control so you'll look back and know you did all you could to smooth the ride. At least try to eat healthier foods (if you're still feeling driven to overeat), so your body is better nourished. And if you can exercise, even walking more, then try to do that, to strengthen yourself a little bit there, too. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and good luck to you ... you'll be on the postie side soon!
   — Suzy C.

June 2, 2003
Well, just by reading my profile, you can tell that I was a binge eater just before my surgery, even though I really hadn't been previously. It surprised even me, and I felt so ashamed of myself. It seemed like for the entire month of September, I just couldn't seem to pass up a drive-thru. Plus, I tried to drink as much soda as I could, which made things much worse. While I'm not positive, I feel pretty sure that I put on a good 20 extra lbs before surgery by going on this way. Needless to say, I regret it. So, I really have no constructive advice for you, but just wanted to say that I feel your pain. I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to ever enjoy my favorite foods again, and in reality, that hasn't been the case at all (with the exception of soda, and I could drink it if I wanted to, I just don't like the taste of it now??) If I hadn't put on that 20 lbs, I'd be nearly at my goal now. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Laurie A.

June 2, 2003
I too have been binging (scheduled for open RNY 06/23). I have always enjoyed eating out and trying lots of new things. I made a list and have hit almost all these places. It didn't help that my GYN had put me on some meds that made feel as if I hadn't eaten in a week! So I stopped the meds and am trying to tame the binge eating. I have my pre-op physical on Thurs and am expecting a chewing out from my PCP. I am sure I have gained 15-20 lbs. Oh well, too late now.
   — Kathy J.

June 16, 2006
Wow. So I am NOT the only one that is going through this. Thank goodness, I thought there was something weird going on. I agree with others, although exercise is hard for me, I have started swimming and I do hurt all over. I am having some pretty strange cravings on foods I don't even normally eat and the stuff I used to love eathing, I could care less about. I don't even have a surgery date yet, but have been through all my pre-op testing and now they want one more. Must be the stress, this really is a big and important decision for anyone. I almost am craving the same stuff I did when I was pregnant 24 years ago, and no, I can't have children anymore due to a previous surgery. So good luck to others who are in the same boat as I am. I weigh in 3 weeks from now with nutritionist, lets hope I do better than the last 2 weeks. Cindy M
   — skinnycow47

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