A month before my WLS on April 28th I went off the pill and to this day I ....

haven't had a period since....Has this happended to anyone else? And what did you do about it? I'm not in menopause. Thanks!!    — Darlene C. (posted on May 29, 2003)

May 29, 2003
Any possibility you may be pregnant? If not, then it's probably you're body adjusting to being off the pill (it took me 3 months to get my period after I got off the pill several years ago...I had been on it for years), OR the trauma of surgery does some wacky things to your cycle. If you're not pregnant, wait a bit before worrying. Then, if you still don't get your period, see your GYN....Good Luck!
   — Amy A.

May 29, 2003
I know that before I had my WLS I would never have my period on my own. I always had to either be on the pill to regulate it or take provera. If you haven't lost enough since your surgery it may just be affected by your weight, you just didn't know it because of the hormones in the pill, they kept you regulated. I started having my periods regularly after I had lost about 50 lbs, I guess that was enough for my body to get normal functions happening again. Lorine
   — Lorine L.

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