For open RNY post-ops - is this realistic?

I have a question for the experts out there - open RNY post-ops. I understand that each person's experiences vary drastically, but I wanted to find out if I should pursue my summer vacation plans or not. I am scheduled for open RNY on July 11 (woo-hoo!), and we are tentatively planning to go to the beach for a long weekend in August (Thurs-Sun). We haven't set a specific date yet, but are looking at mid-August, which would put me at about 5-6 weeks post op. The drive will be anywhere from 2 1/2-6 hours (depending on where we go). While I won't have to do too much while we're away, I have 2 kids (ages 2&7), so any trip will be a little hectic. Is it realistic for me to plan this mini-vacation, or should I give up and plan for something later down the road? Thank you all so much for your help. I read this site everyday and am amazed that there are such wonderful people who seem to know exactly what I am going through. THANK YOU!!    — Trisha H. (posted on May 28, 2003)

May 28, 2003
Physically, you will probably be able to do it at 5-6 weeks out, but at that point, whether you'd enjoy a vacation like you describe is another question. Lots of people don't get their energy levels back 'til 8 weeks out or so. With a driving distance of as much as 6 hours, you could be spent before you get there, especially if it's just for a long weekend. Maybe something closer to home, and more relaxing for you, would be better at 5-6 weeks out, if you can't postpone for a month longer or so.
   — Suzy C.

May 28, 2003
hiya! i had open rny and took a trip at 9 weeks post op...we drove 3 hours to my in-laws then the next morning went up to the mountain (about a 2 hour drive)...only spent 2 days up there then drove back. i didn't do too much while up there and didn't have any of the kids with me sooooo i would hesitate to commit financially to a vacation since you don't know how your recovery will go. if you decide to go, i would think a closer to home trip that has accomodations (like a hotel with kitchenette) so you can bring all your supplies with you and not have too much stress. also, travelling like that you want to make sure to get out and walk around every few hours or so... good luck and congrats on your upcoming surgery, {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

May 28, 2003
Hi, I am 4 weeks post op and feel great, I could handle a trip like that, of course providing your husband will help with the kids. Set your mind to be up and walking and drinking as much water post op, and when you get home start slow but keep active and graduly build up daily, your body does need time to heal, but the more you walk and move the faster you will heal and feel better. You can usualy make hotel reservations with a credit card for 4:00pm arrivel, and if you dont feel up to the trip, cancel your reservations. While traveling try to make circles with you feet while your in the car and stop at each rest stop and walk so you dont get blood clotts. I am 4 weeks post op I had open RNY my incesion is from my breast bone to my belly button I had 50 staples. Sugery was a breeze and I only used 1 dose of the morphine, and I didnt fill the Rx for vicoden that the surgeon gave me. Good luck be strong and have a great vacation. :0) I would ask my surgeon though to be sure its ok with him.
   — wizz46

May 28, 2003
I am almost 8 weeks post-op. At 6 weeks I drove 5 hours to San Luis Obispo--no problem--about 260 miles away. As long as you are able to stop every hour or so to stretch (and with kids I would assume there would be frequent stops, lol) bring your water, and have a chance to take it easy, I say go for it. Good luck on whatever you decide. PS> If you start exercising now and drinking your protein shakes, your recovery will probably be much faster, giving you a head start on the recuperation.
   — Margaret S.

May 28, 2003
You'll be fine I started feeling better at 4 weeks. Back at work at 5 weeks.! Open RNY 3/14/03 down 65lbs.
   — Kristie M.

May 28, 2003
I had open RNY on March 4th and by the 10th I was pretty much always on the go. I had tons of energy and no pain, the perfect cobination for being 6 days post-op. Everyone is diffrent so if you feel tired rest, do not over do it. Have fun. - Marcy
   — Marcy S.

May 28, 2003
all I had energy for in August was lazing in the sun really. I did some dishes and some laundry but man was I easily tired. It really depends on you. Oh and I had my surgery July 22nd.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 28, 2003
At 3 weeks post op, I took a 12 hr car trip to visit family. My doc said no plane trips for the first 6 weeks, but car trips are ok as long as you stop about every 2 hours to get out and walk for a few minutes. You might also want to take some tylenol with you, as you may hurt a little. I did, and the tylenol worked wonders.
   — mellyhudel

May 28, 2003
When I was about 5-6 weeks postop we drove from Michigan to Florida (about a 2 day trip). I didnt have any problems whatsoever. Just be sure to get out and walk every once in a while. You sure dont want to get a blood clot! Have fun!
   — Kris T.

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