what to take to hospital
OK I have seen a lot of post from women on this topic but I want to hear from some men what types of clothes and other things they took to hospital.and what kind of personal care stuff. — dave B. (posted on May 21, 2003)
May 20, 2003
I took a change of underwear and undershirt and the clothes I wore in
(Which I wore home). I didn't wear anything while I was in the hospital
except the gown that the hospital gave me, and that was fine. I would not
have wanted any clothes on -I was very sore and wanted nothing near my
surgery site.
Other things I took that were of value were my phone card and my cell phone
with extra battery. Everything else was provided by the center. I was the
only person in my room so I was able to crank the temperature down as low
as I wanted it. I have read many people say that they took a small personal
fan to cook them and that was very valuable.
I did take a book to read but found that I mostly slept or was medicated by
my PCA and did not open the book at all during my stay.
I took a notepad and pen to write down things the doctor told me and that
was very usefull as being medicated I was half in and out of things.
— George B.
May 21, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">Even though I
am a women, I still think the best thing for anyone to bring with them is a
<b>Back Scratcher!!</b>My Angel brought me one and it was a
life saver! The morphine, along with laying down so long and the compresion
stockings, made me so itchy! It was also good to use as an extended arm
(reaching for blankets, etc..) Good Luck to you! </font>
— Wendy D P.
May 21, 2003
My DH had RNY on 4/9/03, and I posed this question to the gentlemen here. I
got some good answers, so you might check the library. At any rate, here is
what my hubby did: He wore regular clothes to the hospital, and only took
his driver's license and glasses case with him. (He was pre-registered and
I had a copy of our insurance card with me.) I took everything to the car
while he was in surgery. (Kept his license and glasses in my purse). I
also had his bag for post op in the car, and I brought that in when he was
in his room. He brought a pair of lightweight, stretchy shorts with an
elastic waistband, clean underwear, slippers (the kind you can just slide
you foot into that have a non-slip sole), and personal items for shaving,
toothbrush, comb, etc. As soon as he got in his room after surgery, he
wanted to brush his teeth - makes you feel a lot better! And I left his
lip balm and glasses within reach. The day after surgery, as soon as the
catheter was removed, he got cleaned up and put on underwear and the
shorts, but wore a hospital gown, since he still had an IV. Now, they did
let him go home late that afternoon (yep, day after surgery!)and he
switched to some lightweight sweat pants and tee shirt, socks and gym shoes
for the trip home. He was in a private room, and didn't need a fan (it was
cool). He had lap surgery and his abdomen was pretty swollen from the
surgery. The hospital did provide everything he really needed with the
exception of shaving stuff. I also put in a Reader's Digest for something
to look at besides TV. He wasn't there long enough to even get it out of
his bag! My advice: take as little as possible with you. Leave all jewelry
and your wallet at home. If you want a newspaper, have someone leave
enough change for that, but otherwise, leave as much at home, or send it
home while you are at the hospital. If you can't get a wedding (or other)
ring off, they will tape it on your finger during surgery. Hope this helps!
Good luck!
— koogy
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