I thought I was fine with my food issues, but I guess not :o(

I went to Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robins last night for my family and as soon as I walked in...that smell Mmmmm lol. I just looked at all my past favorite junk foods and I just felt like crying b/c I could'nt have anything, but I did end up leaving with a low fat bagel. I am still upset and seem to be munching alot today, still wanting that junk. I thought I was ok with the food issues!?! Does anyone else still get this way? I feel stupid for being so upset over ice cream and donuts. I NEVER buy sugary stuff for the house and I've been fine at B-day parties saying no to cake and ice cream. Thanks for listening :o)    — Sandy M. (posted on May 20, 2003)

May 20, 2003
sandy~ I know how you feel! My biggest downfall is sweets and ever since surgery i have vowed never to have any sugar ever again, unless its natrual. and i have stuck to it. I am a HUGE birthday cake fan and evertime i see it i get all frazzled but than i just tell my self, I didnt go through all that pain and loosing 99 lbs just to fail at a commitment i made to my self! I dont ever stop anyone from eating their fun sweets around me, I think it just goes to show how much will power I really have, and thats the way you should think! Look at the will power you had to NOT buy those doughnuts or ice cream, that makes you a better person for being able to resist temptation. Dont feel stupid, Im sure EVERYONE goes through this. Best of luck to you! OPEN RNY 11/15/02 -99 lbs!
   — sandrac131

May 20, 2003
Sandy, Our food issues may never be "cured" but control is more an issue. I think my food issue is an addiction, though it is odd that we have to feed our addition to live. That is hard. You made a good choice...a low fat bagel. Before WLS I am sure it could have been worse...You already know that foods that trigger those urges are not brought into your house and you handled yourself like a trooper when faced with "old enemies" proud you have come a long way...knowing that you have to work at it everyday is half the battle and it is not odd to be sad just accept those feelings and then let them go. You are worth all the effort you put in to your wonderful self.
   — Carla S.

May 20, 2003
I am so proud of you for sticking to your guns! Woohoo! I do indulge on very rare occassions at parties by having a sliver of cake or a small spoon of ice cream. I know from my own experience that if I make it a situation where I can't have it, then I crave it and the desire builds until I over-do. So now I eat rationally. If I want it, I have it, in tiny amounts for a taste and then toss the rest. If however, you have the strength of will to walk away, pat yourself on the back and do something really good for yourself instead (long soak in the tub, new book, etc.).
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 20, 2003
Oh yea, me too! but at 20 mos post op most days <b>nothing tastes as good as thin feels</b> BUT then there are "THOSE" days!! & I do indulge free of guilt!! The nice thing is it no longer sends me on a week or even a day long binge like it used to. I need to feel "normal" (whatever that is) No more dieting for me!!
   — Denise W.

May 20, 2003
Sandy, Just look in the mirror when you're feeling that way. You look wonderful! Can you maybe send someone else in your family to those places to pick up the 'poison'? I sometimes feel sorry for myself, mostly at nice restaurants when I'd like to eat more. But, the feeling usually doesn't last long. I also remind myself of how I could have NEVER stopped at just one dounut or one bowl of ice cream. I also will never forget how I felt physically and mentally after I polished off several donuts or several bowls of ice cream. Your not alone, and YOU LOOK GREAT!
   — Stacy L.

May 20, 2003
Nothing wrong with mourning when something reminds you of a long lost friend! You did quite well! Be proud of yourself for making a good decision with the bagel. It wasn't that you COULDN'T have anything, you CHOSE not to!
   — koogy

May 20, 2003
Sandy, I am very much like Ruth and if I want to endulge I do. I can remember those days when eating junk food caused extreme guilt and stress and so I would eat more to "comfort" those feelings away. There is no reason to ever feel that way again. I am determined that even though I know that I have the potential always there to abuse, that I will live like a normal person and allow junk food in my life. Many others cannot do that, and they become determined to NEVER have sugar again etc, but to me that is not normal and I want to enjoy all foods, not just the protein and veggie types. I would have had a small SF cone at baskin robbins or perhaps 1/2 of a donut. Just enough to feel normal but not enough to do any damage....and no guilt.
   — Cindy R.

May 20, 2003
Hi Sandy, I agree with the other posters about how great that you have self control, etc. I also suggest you allow yourself to have some, say a small cone or half a donut. The antici-pation of the delight you expect to feel is almost never equal to the actual joy of eating it. If you pay attention to how you are feeling before, during, and after, you may be disappointed at not getting more of a lift from eating favorite carbs. Also, for me, eating carbs creates a need for more carbs. I don't absolutely forbid myself delicacies, but I eat only a bite or two and that's often enough to nip the need to nosh. (talk about alliteration..)
   — Bobbi G.

May 20, 2003
ok i may get blasted for this but here's my two cents worth so take it at that...i have since surgery six months ago had several birthday parties and been to baskin robins twice and a donut shop three times. i had this surgery to be normal not deprived. some parties i've had a small piece of cake if i don't feel like it i don't. but i don't tell myself i can't otherwise i'll want it like crazy. at baskin robins i have gotten a cup with a kids scoop. just enough to get a taste. at the donut shop i had half a donut one time the other times it was just for my kids. some people find if they deprive themselves they keep stuffing in other things to fill that void till they end up eating more than they would have in the first place. i say have it! in moderation of course. o even keep my old favorite ice cream in my freezer but instead of eating the whole pint like in the old days i take it out have 3 or 4 bites and put it away and i find i only eat it maybe once or twice a week not bad really. kimberly open distal rny 11/12/02 -90lbs
   — kimberly T.

May 20, 2003
My opinion is only as a preop, but consider this: If you were an alcholic on the mend, would you visit a beer factory? If you were in Gamblers Anonymous would you visit Las Vegas? I think going with your family to that kind of place is just too hard. I'm not saying your family should stop having their treats, but if you were a drunk would they take you to a bar for a celebration and expect you to sip on some ice water and be happy about it? Of course not. When my family wants to indulge and I'm being careful with my intake, I suggest they go and have a great time - while I get some quality alone time. I can treat myself to a movie by myself or with a friend; take a bubble bath and read - uninterrupted - for a half hour; go shopping for something just for myself; (can you tell I have a hectic house!) I think I would try to avoid temptation, or at least recognize that its natural to feel uncomfortable when everyone is indulging and you simply can't.
   — bethybb

May 21, 2003
First of all, let me say.....I checked out your page and YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!! I am about 3 1/2 months post lap and down 60 lbs. I think we would have to have our heads examined if we DIDNT grieve the loss of certain favorite foods. This Monday, it was 85 degrees here and I wanted a coffee coolata from DD in the worst way! Because i "settled" for an ice coffee instead, I "settled" 3 times! That craving persisted, sending me back to DD for 2 more iced coffees as the day progressed. "There's nothing like the real thing baby.....nothing like the real thing....." Ain't that the truth! Don't beat yourself up over it, face it and move on. You are doing everything right, girl!
   — RedHeadBeauty

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